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To the Script Modders


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Okay this sounds like the beginning of a rant but is really just out of curiosity.


If you release a small script mod that fixes things or is just some quality-of-life thing do you get comments that say "Um.. you can use the console to do this"?





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Yeah I'm not even trying to make pro arguments anymore. because why use patches anyway if you can cheat :wink:



( c ) No Console for Survival Players unless you mod it out

( d ) You can't remove blood decal that easily


Oh no I'm arguing again

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Thing to remember is that as your audience grows it will include less desirable members (for example, but not limited to); Angry, shouty, rude, stupid, criminals, peadophiles, "I can do eveything in the console-ers", axe murders & etc.

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Honestly, I have to say comments like that (and many others) is the reason I don't release (or have little incentive to) most of the mods I make.


While I am no where near as prolific (or as high quality) as the other mod authors on this thread - I have several mod projects that are "good enough" for my use, but I would not want to release for various reasons.


One of the biggest is that unless I feel they are perfect (which is rare) I don't want to deal with the stupid or rude (or both) comments.

(or I feel the mods is not good enough - and i don't want to mess up people's games).


I have a settings and av mod - that I use for tons of little tweaks in my own game (in both skyrim and f4). I consider releasing it sometimes, as anyone with Fo4edit skills could then change to their hearts content (maybe the service I am providing is a mod with a bunch of useful settings in it, so they don't have to find them?).

But I know, that even if I put it in the description - people with either complain, or will want custom versions.


Hmmm....I think I got ranty here.

Edited by davethepak
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I, oddly enough, haven't gotten any "You can just use the console" comments on my mods, and most of mine are QOL or scripted mods. I have gotten "This mod doesn't work, fix it" comments, but usually that's because the user didn't install all the requirements or didn't read the install instructions. While it does suck to get negative comments on your mod, you have to take the good with the bad. If you like your mod, and it makes your game experience better then most likely someone else will as well. For instance, I made a small mod for FO4 that adds an aid item that allows you to buy building materials anywhere. Not a lot of people have viewed or downloaded it, but one person said they loved it. So I guess I would encourage sharing, but of course it's up to you.

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Being a new sucker in this mod publishing arena, so far most of the comments I have had are either:

'why don't you/can you/it would be great if' mod enhancement requests - which I find either an interesting insight into how people play this game, or something I should have considered.

or "it doesn't work" - which is becoming a very tedious IT support job for people who really shouldn't be modding their game (without learning the basics of conflicts and how to add/remove mods 'properly')


The first is the plus side, while the second is the minus that makes me think @davethepak is doing the smart thing.

So I too am wondering how long before the minus outweighs the plus - or I follow other modders and just stop answering (or even reading) those posts.

You all seem to have all been at this quite some time - is there an acceptable way to keep on the plus side?

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Easier said than done - I am geting a bit over it (already!), and I am not even getting the "you can do that in the console-ers" .

Though I am getting the "nice mod but I'm sticking with ..."-ers - an equally pointless comment.


So to continue your original post - how do you carry on and keep the enthusiasm?

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