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Placing items on shelves, etc. is such a pain; is there a mod to fix t


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Say I have a bunch of potions I want to line up on a shelf in my house. I do so, and then leave. I come back in, and the potions are just sitting on the floor a few feet away from the shelf. This is SO annoying, especially considering Skyrim's controls for manipulating held items are just HORRIBLE. Strangely, when I come back in, if I put the items where I want them a second time, they stay where I put them.


One workaround I haven't yet tried but I assume would work is to drop the items I want to place, leave the house, go back in, and THEN place them. But this would still be very annoying considering I'd have to wait through two extra loading screens, not to mention the door might be on the other side of the house.


In addition, it would be nice to have some better controls for moving items. As I said before, what we have now is just terrible. There's no technical reason we shouldn't be able to rotate items without awkwardly pushing them into things, or dropping them again and again until they fall the right way. If anyone's familiar with Garry's Mod, having a spell that works like the physics gun would be EXTREMELY helpful, especially if it doesn't require any magicka. Sure, depending on how it works it might be overpowered in some situations, but I wouldn't need to use it in those situations.


Can someone please suggest or make a mod that fixes either or both of these problems? Thanks a lot.

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While it's not a penultimate solution, some items can be grabbed from certain points... This primarily seems to only be bodies, though, where you grab a certain bone on it; items tend to be one bone and you grab the centermost point of it.


If items were made to have an actual skeleton (ie, cauldron would have a center bone at the bottom and maybe four other bones going up the sides with another four at the top; or a potion having the base, its corners, and the top), the physics would work out.

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How hard would it be to implement a Gmod-like physics gun spell? (Or any other means of moving objects like that.) For anyone unfamiliar with Gmod, basically you can pick things up with a beam that basically grabs things. You can then change where you're aiming to move the object around. Holding down E and dragging rotates, and moving the mousewheel moves it forward and backward. Pressing the right mouse button while holding an object freezes it in place, so it's not affected by gravity or any other FUS, but I don't know if that would be possible in Skyrim's engine.

Oh, and did Bethesda really need to make it so objects don't at least rotate when you change which direction you're facing? It'd be nice to at least be able to approach an object from the side and then rotate yourself to rotate objects like that. It's almost as if they WANTED to make it hard to orient objects how you want them. (If that's the case, they certainly succeeded.)

Edited by flarn2006
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