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How does the game know what statics are "scrappable"?

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The scrap recipes are constructible objects with the proper "Recipe Filter":




Set the "Created Object" to the thing you want to be able to scrap and edit the "Required Item List", which determines what will be returned from scrapping.

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Anything with a regular crafting recipe is also scrappable. However, the amount of components specified in a scrap recipe is exactly what scrapping it will yield, while the amounts listed in a regular build recipe is what it would cost to build it, and the amount you get from scrapping is dependent on the multiplier for that component. So you get a different percentage back for something like glass than you do for nuclear material.


Those globals are linked to the different Component records, and used for non-scrap recipes. The thing that differentiates between regular and scrap recipes is the WorkshopRecipeFilterScrap shown in the above image. Things with a scrap recipe (even if they also have a regular recipe) will not be movable once placed in build mode (unless you have something like Place Everywhere) and will have a yellow outline rather than green.

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Furthermore, there is the UnscrappableObject keyword to make anything that has it unscrappable. Lets you selectively prevent stuff from being scrapped, even if that same stuff generally is scrappable elsewhere.

I made a small script that lets me add it to any reference I want.

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