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Belts remove tails


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That's exactly what's happening. Tails (like apparel) are 'worn', and so take up an item slot. If a belt (or any other item) uses the tail slot, your Argonian/s will lose the tail. I don't ever remember seeing a vanilla belt, either.

There is a mod (Beast Characters lose tails no more) that tries to address this, but I have never used it, and I have absolutely no idea how efficacious it is.

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That's exactly what's happening. Tails (like apparel) are 'worn', and so take up an item slot. If a belt (or any other item) uses the tail slot, your Argonian/s will lose the tail. I don't ever remember seeing a vanilla belt, either.


There is a mod (Beast Characters lose tails no more) that tries to address this, but I have never used it, and I have absolutely no idea how efficacious it is.

I tried that mod fix, it didn't do anything.

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The vanilla game has 8 equipment slots for non-beast races and 9 for beast races. That's a limitation imposed by the skeleton.nif for non-beast races and skeletonbeast.nif for the beast races. Mods introduced skeletons with extra bones that added support for wings and added a tail for non-beast races. Many clothing/armor modders started using the new tail slot on non-beast races. Some conflicts will result ... if you were playing a non-beast race you wouldn't see this problem for example. Those mods should probably include a disclaimer saying that they are for non-beast races. This isn't a problem with vanilla clothing and armor as there are no items for the tail slot except the tails for Khajiit and Argonians.

Edited by Striker879
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