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Bloodskal-Zangetsu Crossover?


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"Oh gods, another anime mod request"




I just watched a video demonstrating Bloodskal in action...and I've got to have that sword. I don't have Dragonborn yet, but I will be acquiring it shortly (I hope). I couldn't help but notice the power attack...it makes me think of this:



I'd like to see something like this implemented. I already have a Zangetsu mod, but once I get Dragonborn, I'd like to see someone adapt Bloodskal's power attacks to work with Zangetsu.

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download a bleach weapon pack and take a 2 handed version of zangetsu then use this mod


There you have it


Yeah, I found that shortly after posting this thread >.<


Wouldn't happen to know where to get decent Japanese clothing, would you? I'm not having much luck on the nexus.

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Well, there's... This outrageous looking Naruto set... Although you may be more interested in Project Sekirei (Link excluded for reasons), since it even includes a black open robe with white underclothes. I'm not sure, however, if it works on males, since it's a CBBE clothing mod. Edited by Strokend
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Well, there's... This outrageous looking Naruto set... Although you may be more interested in Project Sekirei (Link excluded for reasons), since it even includes a black open robe with white underclothes. I'm not sure, however, if it works on males, since it's a CBBE clothing mod.


I tried using a CBBE item on a male once. My torso disappeared! :hurr:


Besides, I can't see a girl screaming "GETSUGA TENSHOU" in Morita Masakazu's slightly surly voice...though it would be hilarious.

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I also wouldn't mind a decent hollow mask (and not the one that replaces the dragon priest mask, I've got an epic dragon priest mask replacer that I don't want to overwrite). The only other one I can find adds what is, in my perfectionistic opinion, a slightly poor quality mask that's positively dangerous to use because it drains your health while you wear it.

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I don't know if you've already seen this, but here:



A Shinigami uniform would sure be awesome to have! :P

It's hidden deep in the screenshots, but one of the robes comes close to proper. It's closed, but bot the top and bottom are black and the undershirt is white.



Well, there's... This outrageous looking Naruto set... Although you may be more interested in Project Sekirei (Link excluded for reasons), since it even includes a black open robe with white underclothes. I'm not sure, however, if it works on males, since it's a CBBE clothing mod.

I tried using a CBBE item on a male once. My torso disappeared! :hurr:


Besides, I can't see a girl screaming "GETSUGA TENSHOU" in Morita Masakazu's slightly surly voice...though it would be hilarious.



Why would people make armor that ONLY works for females? That's just dumb. Sure, some armors won't work for one gender or the other, but for the most part these mods aren't talking about dresses or anything that wouldn't work on a female, so they should support both genders.


Heck, even with those schoolgirl armor/clothing mods, some clothings are already skirts on females and trousers on males, so it should still work cross-gender.

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Yeah, my character is currently outfitted in that particular kimono set. Short of the spikey orange hair, I'm all set. The voice files are a little loud, but they're in .bsa format, and I haven't anything to unpack-edit-pack them with, so I'll live with it. Besides, it may result in my parrot learning to say "GETSUGA TENSHOU!"...which would be a laugh riot.


And yeah, I have to agree that some things should work cross-gender. Heck, I'd even be interested in armours/clothes that gave the same model on both genders. Crossdressing would be quite a bit of fun :D

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