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Alright, so my idea is, bows that have shields on the front that grant protection, It would make the bow hevier and deal slightly less damage but would provide an armor bonus, Yes I got this idea from runescape, and yes I know alot will hate on that but just picture an orcish warbow with a shield on the front, it would cater more towards the heavy armored rangers, and it would give range more variety, if someone makes this, please make it balanced I dont want super overpowered bows

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While this shield looks kind of large, it would work if it had a forced penalty to your bow skill while equipped (I'd imagine that shield would be heavy and make it hard to shoot), but it counts as a form of blocking while drawing an arrow. The bash should be a swung back from the side, as upposed to the bow's punch and the shield's push if using this as the design.

Edited by Strokend
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I had a much different idea of what this would look like when I opened this thread. I don't normally play archery-based characters, but with this badboy, I'd definitely take an interest.

Ahahah, apparently that's not very realistic due to the weight it would cause, when you google "Bow with shield" you get this image as your result. Apparently, it fits over the front of the bow and just protects your hands.


The runescape Shieldbow, however, is shown in this image. It protects the face and hand, but isn't large enough to supply a whole lot of additional protection.

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