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Disable MCM menu

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Is there a way to disable an MCM menu without uninstalling or disabling the esp that has the mcm quest in it? perhaps through some global variable that turns the quest on/off. I know nothing about quests except how to make an MCM menu:) I can't see anywhere in the MCM script that would prevent it from showing in the Mod Configuration, so I was wondering if the quest setup might be a route?




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You can stop the quest and it will remove it from the menu system. However, please be aware that the instructions for creating an MCM menu has one use the Run Once and Start Game Enabled options. Thus most MCM menus if stopped will never re-appear even if the console is used to "start" the quest. The only way to work around this then would be a "clean save".


That said, in theory, one could create a separate controlling quest for the MCM. The separate quest would be Run Once and Start Game Enabled instead while the MCM quest would not have those checked. In the OnInit() event register for a very brief update, then start the actual MCM quest for the mod. Use a global variable whose value would allow the MCM quest to be started and stopped as desired.


Here is an idea for the controlling quest script:



It should be noted that this uses SKSE but it should already be present for the MCM.

ScriptName myMCMControllerQuest Extends Quest
Quest Property myMCMQuest Auto
GlobalVariable Property myMCMgv Auto ;set the GV to a start value of 1
Event OnInit()
Event OnUpdate()
  If myMCMgv.Value == 1
    ; a value of 1 will allow the quest to be started
    If !myMCMQuest.IsStarted()
    ; any other value will stop the quest
    If myMCMQuest.IsStarted()
Event OnMenuClose(String MenuName)
  If MenuName == "Console"
    OnUpdate() ; call the OnUpdate event to turn on or off the quest as needed

The above would allow the user to open the console, change the global variable value from 1 to anything else to stop the quest or change it back to 1 to re-start the quest.

In testing you may find that you will need to also use setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 in the console to get the newly started / stopped quest to show up / disappear



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Thanks for this, I shall test it out:)




edit: I had to change IsStarted() to Start(), I tried IsRunning() but that didn't work. Otherwise the menu disappeared after using setstage SKI_ConfigManagerInstance 1 in the console. Not sure if the menu is behaving properly after re-enabling though, more testing needed.


Question: why does RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.25) work? If OnInit() occurs just once when the controller quest starts? Or have I got that wrong?

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