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What kind of mod author/consumer are you?

Mod Authors - What kind are you?  

31 members have voted

  1. 1. What kind of Mod Author are you?

    • Encourages discussion and criticism. Works hard to make mod better.
    • Passionate about Modding and loves discussing mod. Hates dealing with Criticism. Mostly stamps out bugs, but isn't afraid to get hands dirty.
    • What you see is what you get. Mostly works on bug fixes, etc. Isn't one for discussion.
    • If I release a mod, the only thing you should ever do is sing praise about it.
    • I release mods and disappear from the face of the earth only to resurface after everyone is dead.
    • I have no idea what I'm doing. I release silly or pointless mods. Gender-Swapping, etc.
    • My mind is an enigma. I'll release the most amazing Overhaul ever, and then a mod that adds dildos to the game next.
    • I'm not a mod author.
  2. 2. What kind of Mod Consumer are you?

    • I'll download anything. The specs of dust in the air need to be 8k resolution. I'll download mods just to endorse them.
    • I have 200+ mods and spend more time looking for more mods than playing the game. I endorse what I like, but sometimes forget.
    • If it's in the top 100, I probably have it, or have used it. I only endorse what's already established as a "Must have"
    • I rarely download anything, and what I do download is well-known, or a necessity. I don't get involved in comments, and always endorse.
    • I download mods, but I could care less about mod authors or endorsements.
    • Can you make this armor for X Body please?
    • Mods? I don't use mods.

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I have to ask, where exactly did the descriptions for each of the votes come from, because a few of them were hilarious, especially the one about the overhauls and the dildos. That one was priceless.

Edited by HiggsBp
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None of the options really apply to me anymore.

For many years I used to be Author type #1,
going out of my way to please my users' every wishes,
all up for compatibility and support, patches and add-ons, "after" I was already done creating what I'll use myself long ago,
no questions remained unanswered,
no help request ignored until finally solved,
guiding my users hand-holding, step-by-step, through installation and setup of my mods' "requirements" (funnily they almost never had trouble getting my mods themselves working, go figure),
and I was always all-ears for suggestions to improvements and requests for additional content or features.
After all, these were the only reasons for me to maintain a comments section and regularly visit it.

Then my free time vanished and I was unable to push out releases as quickly as I wished to anymore. It feels like 'disappointing' my users and those eagerly waiting for updates, or even for news from my side.
In the mean time I read too many expressed and utmost disrespect towards mod authors in general in comments and discussions everywhere I looked, and I'm now considering #8 a viable option, don't feel like sharing anymore.
It'd feel like 'supporting' the disrespect and rude behavior everywhere, if I still did. I never 'needed' to and it just isn't worth it anymore.

...Alright, I'll choose #8, for Skyrim anyways.

As for Consumer... hmm, I think I stopped being a consumer when I started modding full-scale. I stopped 'playing' at least around this time. For Skyrim I haven't used a single mod anyways so far, as I didn't play the game either, yet, apart from a few months on my brother's 360.

Still no option applies.
I always browsed for mods by personal interest. What fitted into what I was looking for got downloaded and thoroughly tested. Feedback was provided where needed or asked for. Then I decided which was to stay and which had to go.
Projects of special interest to me are on my tracker. Feedback, suggestions, and help by knowledge or action provided wherever possible.
I pay absolutely no mind to rankings, ratings, endorsements, download counts, or whatever else meaningless-to-me statistical measure you might come up with.
I'm totally able to figure out requirements, installation, setup, actual contents and possible conflicts due to that myself quite fine, and as such I also pay not much mind to presentation, description, and instructions when missing.

I 'use' mods. I don't 'judge' them.

edit: Won't let me vote, if I can't choose an answer to the 2nd question. I'm invalid.

Edited by DrakeTheDragon
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I generally like a good conversation and feedback which helps improve my mods. Good thing I haven't gotten any idiots posting rubbish on my pages: benefits of small mods.


I also download anything that takes me fancy, though I usually do a thorough investigation of everything the mod contains first. Then I endorse it I feel it deserves one. :)

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