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Skyrim Tree LOD Issue


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I'm having an issue with my distant trees looking blocky. I tried all the ini tweaks and nothing seems to work, I tried with and without lush trees without any luck.


I'm stuck as to whats causing this. Any help would be appreciated it, here's a shot of the issue.



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uExterior Cell Buffer=64
uInterior Cell Buffer=32
There are some of the ini tweaks I have used, since then I reverted to default max settings.
My rig is as follows.
Core i5 @4.5Ghz
8GB Ram
Geforce 680GTX
Steam is on a dedicated 2TB Drive.
I play at Max Settings with SMAA ENB @ 2048x1152 Res.
Only mod I am using for Foliage/Trees is Skyrim Flora Overhaul.


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First try changing uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=60 to a big number like 100,200,etc,if not,any amount of trees after the first 60 will be low detail.


You can test this to even out with other LOD settings,but might get laggy,or crash you:




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I am afraid I'm starting to think you are looking at the limitations of the game.

I reread the Geforce tweak guide page on trees, and while it looks like there are a couple of values to might try to push the LOD a bit, they reported after a point there is just no impact on distant trees. If you look at all of their screenies, you will see they have blocky distant trees, regardless of the settings.


As far as the pop-in, are you using the distant object fade?

Also, I wonder if pulling back some of your values (Some are much higher than geforce said made any difference) might improve this some, since you would not be wasting some of your driver resources on rendering beyond what skyrim can do.


Sorry I wasn't much help!

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  • 1 month later...

Don't know if you ever found a solution, but I had the same issue. I discovered that it was being caused by the Lush Trees mod by OpticShooter. As much as I like the mod, I disabled it, and everything went back to normal. I let Vurt's Floral Overhaul and TreesHD take care of the legwork now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@sgcdialler - that's good advice. Getting this effect as well, even though I installed only the grass textures and meshes manually from the Lush Trees and Grass mod. The SFO mod FAQ says LOD settings are to blame. It looks definitely like it's the low-res texture registration point that's causing the problem, or some tiling - not that I really have any idea what's going on exactly under the hood.

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