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A mod that changes the FOV of only first person


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To clarify, you know when you've set a higher than normal fov; say 95-110 vs the default 75, your characters arms seem more outstretched when you have your weapon drawn while in first-person, and the world appears more slanted, like fishbowl vision?


That the weapon appears smaller from view, that is the effect i'm hoping to achieve. I want to have a 95 fov setting viewpoint of my character's weapons drawn in first-person mode, whilst maintaining a 65 fov perception view of the world still in first person.


If that's the case I can't say I've ever run across something like that. Like Kats said, in Oblivion we have that single global FOV.


I did turn up one nugget so far ... First Person Arm Clip Fix for Custom FOV. As so often seems to happen, when I was looking for that mod earlier I couldn't find it. Now that I'm looking for something else of course it pops right out at me. I haven't tried it myself as it is a skeleton.nif replacer and I prefer another variation on the Growlf Universal Skeleton Nif myself.


I do play at 90 degrees FOV so I get to see the inside of my arms at times. It's another of those occasions where my patented "Selective Vision" comes in handy (I only notice things I choose to notice, everything else gets filtered out).

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"I'm far from an expert in this, but if I get the explanation of what the setting in Skyrim, et al, does correctly, then it creates an immersion-breaking split in your view focus between your body, what you hold, and the scene you're looking at?

I wonder if that really is a thing. Your screen is a picture of the scene in front of you taken with one specific FOV and then blended above it all another picture of your arms and what you hold but taken with a different camera with a different FOV? How's that supposed to be in any way convincingly immersive still?

Nevertheless, no, in Oblivion there is only 1 camera, 1 FOV, and no split focus render screen. What you can create, and I think I've seen mods, like Oblivion Reloaded but also others, already doing it, however, is different FOVs for when you're in 1st person view and when in 3rd person view. As 3rd person is like watching through a flying camera somewhere behind you, it can believably have a different focus / FOV than when you look through "your own (virtual) eyes" (1st person).

But I think what you're mainly intending to have is a change in weapon and shield position, i.e. simply modified 1st person animations, which is also nothing new.

The game already uses vastly different poses in 1st person than in 3rd person, for exactly the reason you're aiming at. Using a regular unchanged 3rd person animation in 1st person (converted of course) almost completely blocks your view or clips with the camera near plane.

Additionally no other body/equipment slot than hand and arms (occasionally also upper body) are even considered to be rendered when in 1st person. (That's why you don't see your feet when looking down). And if you switch into 1st person, then enable free camera mode (console command "tfc"), you'll quickly see how horribly warped your arms' posing is compared to when in 3rd person view.

So, yes, the exact weapon positioning in Oblivion can be done and is done through 1st person animation replacements mostly.

I think the position of the camera in relation to the body when in 1st person view can also be altered... somehow.

Certain mods with their own 3rd person or "fake 1st person" views definitely have their own INIs with settings to that effect at least, if I recall correctly that is."


No, no, no i'm simply trying to request a mod that acts like/simulates the command fDefault1stPersonFOV=.


Erm, here. This should explain what I want better I think.





Edited by ArcturusFyr
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Yeah, I got that from the post you were writing, while I was writing mine. And I meanwhile also read up about the INI settings in the game and others.


They are indeed used for doing this immersion-breaking unrealistic view thing, which cannot be found or reproduced in reality. I mean, if you look through a camera at a distant scene and hold a pen in front of you the same time, then zoom in on some distant object and the pen on screen won't even move... that's not doable in RL. But I think they did it for usability purposes, mainly to fix weapon and item positioning for people using different FOVs than default.


And that's also exactly the effect you're asking for here, as you explained in the post written while I was writing mine.


I'm afraid that invalidates my previous writing, so disregard my post. In this version of the game engine it cannot be done.

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Oh, uhm well alright then. I suppose i'll just have to play at a higher fov if I want to better see my weapons, and at a lower one to make everything seem bigger. I'm not really sure what you mean by "immersion" though, all I wanted to do was just keep my fov settings at 65, but at the same time see weapon's better in first person while doing so.


Thanks for all the help everyone, and if anybody else would like to add to this, feel free to do so.

Edited by ArcturusFyr
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Oh, uhm well alright then. I suppose i'll just have to play at a higher fov if I want to better see my weapons, and at a lower one to make everything seem bigger. I'm not really sure what you mean by "immersion" though, all I wanted to do was just keep my fov settings at 65, but at the same time see weapon's better in first person while doing so.


Thanks for all the help everyone, and if anybody else would like to add to this, feel free to do so.


Have a look at FOV Zoom. I use it myself for getting my 90 degree FOV but don't use the toggle feature at all, but it may be just the ticket for you to easily switch between FOV levels (fully adjustable via the INI file).


- Edit - Just did a quick test in game at the FOV Zoom.ini defaults (90 normal and 45 for zoomed) ... I think it will be just what you need after you switch zoomed to 65 degrees in the INI.

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Oh, uhm well alright then. I suppose i'll just have to play at a higher fov if I want to better see my weapons, and at a lower one to make everything seem bigger. I'm not really sure what you mean by "immersion" though, all I wanted to do was just keep my fov settings at 65, but at the same time see weapon's better in first person while doing so.


Thanks for all the help everyone, and if anybody else would like to add to this, feel free to do so.


Have a look at FOV Zoom. I use it myself for getting my 90 degree FOV but don't use the toggle feature at all, but it may be just the ticket for you to easily switch between FOV levels (fully adjustable via the INI file).


- Edit - Just did a quick test in game at the FOV Zoom.ini defaults (90 normal and 45 for zoomed) ... I think it will be just what you need after you switch zoomed to 65 degrees in the INI.


It's not exactly what I'm looking for... But man, this certainly makes changing the Fov so much more easier, seeing as I can just do it on the go and not have to modify the ini file itself every time I want to make a tweak. Not to mention I'm always paranoid as heck working with the console.


Thanks Striker.

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