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Weird whirl animation on NPCs


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So I'm getting this random whirl animation on nearby NPCs every few seconds,although not all at once. It has no effect, they don't notice it, basically nothing is happening.


I thought it was related to Enemy Enhancer Expanded, a mod I'd installed recently, which periodically scans new NPCs in the PC's vecinity. But I've uninstalled that and it keeps happening.


Anyone know what this might be? Please, help! It's not game-crashing, but it's still annoying.

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Do you have Sands of Time, aka "Ultimate Deadly Encounters - The Way of the Dovahkiin aka Sands of Time Legendary Edition ( increased spawns ) or how to have a very bad day when you bring no followers or extra potions to the party" installed?

Because certain NPCs get that with that mod installed, I don't know why

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