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Script: Changing the name of an activator/flora via script


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  On 11/18/2020 at 11:31 AM, Zorkaz said:

That's exactly what I want to do :wink: Only after reading a book you know the name of a fungus

Makes sense!

Fungi are weird ....

Ask 10 "experts" to identify a fungus, and you will get 11 different results ...

(Or something like that)

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The [ Add Activate ] perk will add an activation menu option, it will not change the name of the object.


But, to be activated an onbject must have a name.


Try to add activate a no name object ... doesnt work.


As I found with OPEN ANYTHING which has to name things like animations via a reference alias to then add activate via perk.





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That chnages the label for the default activate function if there already is one, same as calling script function SetActivateTextOverride()


If there is no default activate function, or to add a second (or third to some objects like WorkSHOPS that already have two) use the Perk entry point Add Activate to create.


Neither of those perk entry points add or sets the object name, which is required to display any activate label. But a Reference Alias can.

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I was under the impression that Zorkaz wanted to change the name of an activator that already existed? Did it not have a name at all until reading the book, is that the intention?

In any case I tested it just now and it works how I thought, it changes the name of the activator itself. But you are right, it won't change the name of something that doesn't have one yet. It also seems to remove the text for the Activate Choice, even though it activates just fine. If you want to replace the Activate choice with your own text, use Entry Point: Activate - Add Activate Choice and check the box for Replace Default.

Edited by Fantafaust
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Actually there's a lot what I want to do, but without F4SE it's not really possible

But what Fantafaust showed solves at least one of the problems. I was under the impression he meant an action button label override.


So left open is

Change the name of an alchemy item afterwards

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Well, you could just have two separate items I guess. On the Flora itself you could have a script that runs under the OnActivate Event. Check that the player has the relevant perk, and add the correct item. It might look like this:

Actor Property PlayerRef Auto
Perk Property MyPerk Auto
Ingredient Property MyIngredientFake Auto
Ingredient Property MyIngredientReal Auto

Event Onactivate(ObjectReference akActionRef)
	If PlayerRef.HasPerk(MyPerk)

At least, I think that would work. Is this an activator that already exists in-game, or are you adding it yourself?

Edited by Fantafaust
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