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More interesting race mod


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Could we have a mod for some more creative races? Suggestions; Centaur, Harpy . . . but generally any sort of ancient mythological will do.


Images to base off .http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20070826185121/wowwiki/images/5/56/HarpyMG.JPG for a harpy, though less alien, it needs to look like a human, but with wings instead of arms, but use of arms will be necessary, so make hands appear at the fold of the wing.

http://images.fanpop.com/images/image_uploads/Centaur-greek-mythology-687180_320_373.gif is, I think, a good demonstration.

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A modern dictionary says that "harpy" simply means "grasping, vicious person," so I don't see why we can't have males as well. Turning the legend on its head, maybe the original harpies in Greek mythology were just a few female harpies from a pre-existing species.

I know that the ancient lore never actually said there were males, but this guy's right, it never said there weren't, just that the harpies being mentioned were all sisters.


The grasper-at-the-fold is a batlike design, despite being bird wings, but it makes a lot of sense.


Centaurs would be interesting to see armor on, since even if the armor fits over, clipping through the body to appear as though it is made to let the body fit through, the horse body is still unprotected. Else, if it stretches over the body, it would look rediculous.


Minotaurs, Satyrs/Faun, Arkan Sonney, and Kobolds are things I'd like to see--Kobolds especially.


To be specific, I'm talking about these guys, since there are variations on how kobolds can look. I know we've got Argonians, but I still want these guys.

Edited by Strokend
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These kinds of mods take an absolutely enormous amount of very painstaking custom asset work and I can tell you right off the bat that the people who are most likely to be able to pull it off well are already doing it for a salary at some game studio.


Extremely unlikely to ever see the light of day as a fully realized thing.

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Well, the thing with harpy is that hagraven is Elder Scrolls universe harpies...


But Hagravens are evil, how about there were two branches of harpy evolution, one being normal harpy and another being a Deadric twist?

Hagravens are actually witches that has done some form of transformation if I remembered correct.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would love to see some professionally built race like a Harpy. But if someone does make it, have it possess the same bone structure as the khajiit or the Argonian race. ( sorry if I misspelled.) Just so new clothing and armor mods will fit the Harpy or Centaur race. :D
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