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Disabling the 'name' of whatever I have my targeting reticle pointed at?

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'Hlaalu Guard' in the case of my example image (Morrowblivion before anyone assumes I'm in the wrong subforum lol). I've installed BTMod and configured the rest of my HUD to be invisible for maximum immersion, and yet I somehow magically know the name of anyone I look at and get such helpful info as 'Box' when I look at a Box. If I can just find what I need to disable this I'll be exceptionally happy. I don't mind the name turning up in dialog, but it's bugging me when just running around and exploring. It completely takes away any 'guesswork' while harvesting, too, being told exactly what plant I'm looking at.

Edited by Alixen
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Ah, thanks, but that's not what I mean. I want to edit the HUD/targeting so that when I hover over something that can be interacted with it's name isn't displayed in the bottom-right of the screen.

That's exactly what I explained you.



Wouldn't that require removing the name from every NPC, plant, and container in the game? I'm specifically looking for a HUD element I need to disable in the xml files.

Edited by Alixen
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Ah, thanks, but that's not what I mean. I want to edit the HUD/targeting so that when I hover over something that can be interacted with it's name isn't displayed in the bottom-right of the screen.

That's exactly what I explained you.



Wouldn't that require removing the name from every NPC, plant, and container in the game? I'm specifically looking for a HUD element I need to disable in the xml files.


Yes and I don't know if it's feasible using a xml file.

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I see, hopefully someone who knows will see the thread, I appreciate the attempt at helping either way. I'm pretty sure it *is* possible because I thought I had found it, but only disabled the 'names' in dialog/in the dialog interface, which suggests that it's simply another value I've yet to find.

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This is certainly possible to do by editing the xml file directly, however it will be "all or nothing" solution - you will disable all potential text in that menu element, even for objects that can potentially need it. If you still want to do it, the file to edit should be "Data\menus\main\hud_info_menu.xml"

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Thanks! Any idea what element in particular I'm looking for?


What I'll do is have a backup and if it ends up causing any text I really want to see to disappear I'll just revert the changes.


Edit: Got it, thanks, I just had to find another mod that used hud_info_menu as the BTMod I used as a base didn't have it, explaining why I couldn't find the values I needed.



Edited by Alixen
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