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Race Balancing Project Issues


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By all means, thanks you very much for interrupting. It helped clear a lot of stuff up. You are correct, I only downloaded the one download that I got from the link I posted. I see where you are talking about the installation instructions about the second download. When I first went there I thought that the download on that page meant the install files. I didn't realize it meant a separate download. I am an idiot haha..... Thanks a lot for your help!!!

Edited by Amacher2772
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Good thing you've got my back Drake ... I was well over my head in the deep end.


@ Amacher2772 ... theNiceOne's install instruction give the best step by step you'll get, just be sure to get both downloads. Often mods, even complicated to install ones are a little lacking on install details. Hope I didn't do my part in messing things up too much before Drake swooped in to the rescue.

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'Messing up' is something entirely different. You of all regulars usually have some remarkable problem diagnosing skills, Striker.

I was a little surprised actually you apparently got lost in the wrong direction here. So I thought I'd quickly rush in and turn the wheel around. Can't resist to help, you know me.

But maybe it was only so obviously the wrong direction for me, who knew RBP's internals so well from back then when I had to keep my own Argonian mods compatible to it by all means and needed to know 'everything' about it?


Whatever, your instructions weren't even remotely in vain either. They might not have solved the issue with missing textures discussed here directly, but they will inevitably be in need as soon as another beautification mod comes into the play here, especially because RBP is known for quite some incompatibilities, if there's no properly configured bashed patch compiled and everything else you explained in detail is done the right way.


Oh, well, maybe I just needed to post something for a change I could actually be of help with. My last postings in those numerous discussion threads about the future of modding and authorship, or what I prefer calling them "author bashing parties", for one definitely were of no use to anybody, not even me. Go figure. I think I'll just stick to the help requests doing something useful and let all the rest just go to hell without watching anymore. It's the more healthy option to me anyways. /quit off-topic mourning

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@ Drake Thanks for the help, I greatly appreciate it. Now that I downloaded the the file that I read right over, everything seems to be working just perfect! I have not seen any compatibility issues yet ( and hopefully there will be none as I really like the new characters included with RBP )


LAME (Less Annoying Magic Experience) seems to be working and so does the mod that requires both LAME and RBP, " Integration - The Stranded Light"


Thanks again to you both for helping me out and making me realize I need to read more carefully haha!

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Minutes spent reading invariably save hours scratching the head. Glad you got to the light at the end of the tunnel and it wasn't a train Amacher.


Drake you are as gracious as ever. Know that the reason some of those things bug you is because you care, and have a good sense of fairness. We have far too few of that sort in the world today.

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