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Thamlor war game


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Considering that a war with the thalmor is most likely going to be far too large for a DLC as it will include not just Skyrim but High Rock, Hammerfell, Cyrodiil, Valenwood and Summerset Isles, with the possibility of Eslywer, Black Marsh and what ever is left of Morrowind, I wonder if it would be a separate game but is a continuation of the Dovahkin's Saga, just like Brotherhood and Revelations are for Assassins Creed II

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For starters, don't get your hopes up about continuing your present character's story - that's not BethSoft's style.


Second off, the kind of scale that you're talking about is out of Elder Scroll's capabilities. That's more along the lines of Elder Scrolls Online. If anything we'll see the repercussions of a war with the Dominion in the next game from an individual perspective, be it that the war is ongoing or it's already ended, but it'll be a background event or similar to the Oblivion Crisis in its isolated pocket events.


Either way, don't go hoping too much for the sort of strategy game that you're dreaming about, because BethSoft's pretty predictable, and strategy's not their thing.

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