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Dragonborn/mod compatibility


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Is there some way to verify which mods I have installed on NMM are compatible if I buy and download dragonborn off of steam ?


I've been putting it off for awhile because all the mods I have work well together but I want to give dragonborn a try and I'm a bit scared that it conflicts with some mods.

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In my experience with dawnguard and pre-dawnguard mods is that the new dlc doesn't break existing mods it's just that mods not built for the new dlc will not have their effects applied to the additional content.


For example follower mods not built for Dawnguard worked just fine after I installed it had no effect on Serana or the other NPC's added in the new DLC.


Also, since mods almost always come later in the load order than dlc packages, any conflicts will favor the mod (meaning it's settings will override the dlcs).


You may have to reinstall some visual and texture mods if the new dlc changes them (as those are actual files that would get overwritten), but aside from that, you should be safe.

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