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Seriously guys, why has no one made a single tiny mod that would add some creepiness to where it belongs??


When I go through morthal marshes I MUST feel in danger, I must turn around all the time, because I'm afraid that some creepy ass wraith will jump on me from behind, and suck out my essence! But what do I get in those "creepy marshes"? Right! Damn mudcrabs!


Or an ancient Nordic ruin, how am I supposed to be scared when battling these draugr, I hear this awesome beautiful music, that one would listen to while picking flowers!


I mean guys, come on! Is it that hard to add some creepy/wierd/demented sounds to where they belong? Is that hard to make couple if enemies, that will make you stare at the screen so you can see them coming, before it jumps in front of your face. making it actually scary to go through marshes/ruins/caves?


People have created lots of awesome mods, yet none that make skyrim encounters challenging to face MENTALLY.


Please someone make this!! :0


Here are some ideas:


Take samples from creepy morrowind background noise.

Add MOAR fog to morthal.

Add soul tearing sounds to wisp mothers (the sound of banshee's in the "haunted mansion" game were f*#@ING SCARY)

Make nights more daunting.

Add some creepy sea monsters, so every time you go underwater, you look into depths of it, hoping that thing won't come out.

A creature that creates void around itself, so when it is close, everything turns pitch black, and you have to fight it with no crosshair and vision of your weapons.

Statues that sometimes come alive when you don't look at them (kinda like weeping angels( I believe that's what they are called))


Well and anything you come up with.


Note: I don't want a horror game, I just want more excitement to the parts of the game, that should bring more emotion, than they do now.

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Try turning your music off, or using Personalized Music to do a playlist that you'd like better. Taking samples from Morrowind would be illegal, but if you own copies of both games, and extract the sound files, you can do this yourself.


Morthal's swamp frequently has chaurus reapers in it, along with trolls. It isn't just crabs and spiders. Unless you're a really low level.


Finally, Mannequins ARE Weeping Angels. And they're in every player home other than Breezehome.

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Well I'm playing on master, and even though it was challenging to fight krosis and a dragon at the same time while i was level 6, more you progress easier it becomes.

Trolls and charrus are matter of couple fireballs, sometimes I don't even get off my horse.

I'am not really talking about how hard it is to fight them, but how much you wouldn't want to meet them. Said banshees, oh god it was an awful experience to meet them, look it up if you want ;)

And mannequins? Well yea they could go as weeping angels, but the are not trying to sneak up on you, and kill you.

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