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Player Character - can you duplicate as NPC or modify in CK?


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In Morrowind and Oblivion, there were console commands you could use to get a copy of yourself in-game...not sure if it can be done via console in Skyrim. I've been trying for quite some time...

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Open up the console.

Type: SPF "Character Name Here"


In your data folder, you now have a file called: "Character Name Here".npc


Open up the CK, create a new NPC, import the .npc file (There is a button somewhere on the NPC edit window in the CK).



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In Morrowind and Oblivion, there were console commands you could use to get a copy of yourself in-game...not sure if it can be done via console in Skyrim. I've been trying for quite some time...

yeah i remember consoling my pc clone in Fallout like that. unfortunately there were problems with it. iirc you could not interact with it, even using mods that could make anyone a follower. i mean i made it follow, but still couldn't access it's inventory or talk to it.


i'd be interested in this kinda thing as well. i wonder if NPC Editor could help. i saw a Face Transfer tool too for skyrim

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Many thanks Fifty - found an old forum post late last night with much the same advice - for getting an export of your own looks using spf myface works aswell. I made a summonable version of my own character, which is fun in 3rd person having two of you wandering about, however still hit the age old issue of Skyrim treating any NPC summoned as being a zombie and going 'Urrrrrrghhh' at you. Still progress has been made. If anyone knows how to get around the zombie noise and allow normal speech pleeeease let me know!





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