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Vortex Corrupt after change in ini file


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Hey all.


So I was roaming the streets of Commonwealth when I decided to go to bed. Right after I closed Fallout 4 I changed the amount of vRAM used in the enblocal file.


I tried to open Vortex to view my mods but was greeted with the following error:


"Your Vortex installation has been corrupted. This could be the result of a virus or manual manipulation. Vortex might still appear to work (partially) but we suggest you reinstall it."


I only fiddled with that one file. But now after all this, I do recall reading that you shouldn't tamper with that file(?) It's only enb related though?


I have the option to click "QUIT" or "IGNORE". "Ignore" tries to open Vortex but fails and the error repeats.



So my question is: Is there any way I can safely reinstall or fix Vortex without losing my mods that have filled one of my SSDs to the brim?


Any help would be deeply appreciated! :-)

If you need any additional information I'll be happy to provide.



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Hey Picky.


Thanks a bunch for the fix! Was worried I had to wipe the whole thing. Absolutely no idea why or how this crap happened.


Everything seems to be working correctly now.


Again, thanks man! Deeply appreciate it :-)


Have a great week.

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