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Hello modders and nexus users!. I will be working on creating teenagers in Skyrim! they can wear armor and weild weapons. There just new races called "Teen *Race*"



Skyrim has kids? but where are the not so kid like teenagers? The way I see it is there are Little kids, adults and then Elders. Not sure if everyone see's it like that but I think it would be more immersive to see teenagers of different classes in different familys. I.e teen thiefs, teen compainions, teen mages, teen alchmists, teen warriors, teen farmer, etc

So Alvor and Sigrid will have a teen son that dosnt like smithing. :biggrin:



-My advanced AI System http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/880695-a-much-better-more-npcs-mod/

-Huge diversity (100+ different types of teens could spawn for familes)

-Teens in the guilds

-Teens as followers or adoption

-Custom dialogue

-possible homeless teens


I would like to have some Voice actors for this project it would be a real treat to have them voiced for added immersion! :thumbsup:


Reply to this post or PM me to possibly help me on this project or for more info.



Edited by SpiderAkiraC
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  • 2 months later...

Teenagers... the most useless age. Haha. Give them acne and a poor work ethic? Special ability to drive adults insane once a day.. haha! I'm just kidding, of course. This is a great idea. Just brings images into my head of a whole bunch of eyeliner wearing punks creeping in the major centers of all the cities and towns.. haha. Please make NPC teenagers that do such so I can vent the rest of my opinions upon them with my bow!

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  • 2 months later...

I'd like to do some voice acting for this mod, too. :D


My voice is on the deeper side, but I consider myself pretty versatile, so I think I could do a reasonably believable teenage voice. I'll post some samples. If you're still working on this and need more VAs, send me a message. :)


Speaking Voice



Interesting NPCs - Bodyguard [AUDITION]








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