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Script not operating as expected


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Hello, i have made a script mostly by myself as i am trying to learn how to script for myself.

But now i have run into a problem i can't seem to fix. I tried pretty much everything i could think of.


I am trying to do the following:

Player opens a door, player controls disabled, deathclaw on other side turns around to face the player, door automatically closes, controls restored. (note, i wish to add more parts such as disabling of the deathclaw and locking the door later. After i get this part to work.)


This is what i have:

scn NWSDeathclawstartScript

int DoOnce
float timer

Begin onactivate Player

    if DoOnce == 0
        Set Timer to 5

        DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        Claw1REF.Playgroup TurnRight 1
        Set DoOnce to 1

     if ( timer > 0 )                                                
         set timer to timer - getSecondsPassed

          EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Now it all seems to work up until the first endif. Everything i want done after will not kick in. Player controls are not restored and door will not close. Any suggestions or tips for how to deal with it? Thanks!.

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scn NWSDeathclawstartScript

int DoOnce
float timer

Begin onactivate Player

    if DoOnce == 0
        Set Timer to 5

        DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        Claw1REF.Playgroup TurnRight 1
        Set DoOnce to 1

     if ( timer > 0 )                                                
         set timer to getSecondsPassed
          DeathclawdoorREF.SetOpenState 3

          EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Neither of those will work, the onActivate block only runs once. You need to shift the timer code into a gameMode block; something like this:
scn NWSDeathclawstartScript

int DoOnce
float timer
short bTimerTrigger ;boolean value to decide if the timer code needs to run.
short sFrameSkip ;skip a frame to avoid both blocks trying to execute simultaneously

Begin onactivate Player

if DoOnce == 0

Set Timer to 5
set bTimerTrigger to 1 ;enables timer code
set sFrameSkip to 0 ;initialize frameskip


DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Claw1REF.Playgroup TurnRight 1

Set DoOnce to 1



begin gameMode

if (bTimerTrigger)
if (sFrameSkip < 1)
set sFrameSkip to sFrameSkip + 1
if ( timer > 0 )
set timer to getSecondsPassed
DeathclawdoorREF.SetOpenState 3
EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
set bTimerTrigger to 0 ;disables timer code

Edit: FOR GREAT JUSTICE and formatting bollixing up across pastes. Edited by Xaranth
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Hi, thank you both for posting! I tried both your scripts just in case, yet both get the same result as my original. The door does not close nor are player controls restored.


Note: This is the first time i'm getting confronted with btimertrigger and sframeskip so i am not sure of what exactly they do. Also, Xaranth i do not know what you meant by that final edit sentence. Quite confused. Thanks!

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Oh, when I pasted in that code the formatting got all messed up, so I had to edit the post. Also, if I'd taken a half-second to read the code rather than just c/ping it... Anyway, try this one:

scn NWSDeathclawstartScript

int DoOnce
float timer
short bTimerTrigger ;boolean value to decide if the timer code needs to run.
short sFrameSkip ;skip a frame to avoid both blocks trying to execute simultaneously

Begin onactivate Player

    if DoOnce == 0

	Set Timer to 5
	set bTimerTrigger to 1 ;enables timer code
	set sFrameSkip to 0 ;initialize frameskip


        DisablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
        Claw1REF.Playgroup TurnRight 1

        Set DoOnce to 1


begin gameMode

	if (bTimerTrigger)
		if (sFrameSkip < 1)
			set sFrameSkip to sFrameSkip + 1
			if ( timer > 0 )                                                
				set timer to (timer - getSecondsPassed) ; *** THIS IS THE CHANGED LINE *** I missed that Timer wasn't updated properly.
				DeathclawdoorREF.SetOpenState 3
				EnablePlayerControls 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
				set bTimerTrigger to 0 ;disables timer code

Regarding bTimerTrigger and sFrameSkip:


they're simply control variables. Theoretically, sFrameSkip is unneccessary, but... I'm paranoid when it comes to this engine.


Anyway. A gameMode block runs every frame. We use bTimerTrigger as a control variable to decide when the timer code will run. sFrameSkip is there to make the gameMode block 'skip' a frame, just in case the activate block and the timer block try to execute simultaneously. It's basically a one-frame delay just to ensure that the Activate code has completely parsed before we try to start parsing the gameMode code.

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Thank you for the clarification.

I tested the script now and it seems to function properly now!

Thank you very much. I had been getting headaches over this.


I will continue work on this on a later time but if i have any more questions concerning this script/topic i'll be sure to post back here!

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