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Adding Havok physics to an object that doesn't normally have them


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Hey, quick question regarding havok..

I am making a new misc object using the model of a preexisting object, specifically the yellow raider chem container. However, the misc object will only float in space and is unaffected by havok, when both spawned and dropped from the player inventory.

Is there any way to flag the object to be affected by physics, or would I have to make a "new" model with the same .nif?

Thanks guys!

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There's a way but it's clunky.


1. Find an object that has havok and is roughly the same form and size

2. Export this nif and open it up in nifskope

3. Now you should find a folder called "BNKNPCollisionObject" and under it a branch called "BNKPhysicsSystem"

4.You'll find something called "Binary Data" and some numbers. (E.g. 5684). That's your physics data


5.Click on those numbers and export them as a .txt.


6. Open up your raiderchest.nif or (whatever it's called), check out your Binary Data but import your .txt file



Sounds complicated but isn't

This is the only good way to do so in nifskope, of course using 3DSmax and other programs is better but even harder when you don't know how to (Like me)


Things to note:

1. There are a few objects that don't have havoc data at all. Idk how to add it in Nifskope

2. Some special things, like wearable armor, weapon parts.(..) don't react kindly to this process and make both CK and game crash

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Or, you could just make custom collision meshes for the NIFs with 3DSMAX 2013 .....

But since this is you first post here, I think that might be a bit too complicated for now ...


Welcome to modding Fallout 4, by the way!

It can be frustrating, because this game / engine has sooo much limitations, but it can be rewarding ...

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  On 11/21/2020 at 8:41 PM, Zorkaz said:

There's a way but it's clunky.


1. Find an object that has havok and is roughly the same form and size

2. Export this nif and open it up in nifskope

3. Now you should find a folder called "BNKNPCollisionObject" and under it a branch called "BNKPhysicsSystem"

4.You'll find something called "Binary Data" and some numbers. (E.g. 5684). That's your physics data


5.Click on those numbers and export them as a .txt.


6. Open up your raiderchest.nif or (whatever it's called), check out your Binary Data but import your .txt file



Sounds complicated but isn't

This is the only good way to do so in nifskope, of course using 3DSmax and other programs is better but even harder when you don't know how to (Like me)


Things to note:

1. There are a few objects that don't have havoc data at all. Idk how to add it in Nifskope

2. Some special things, like wearable armor, weapon parts.(..) don't react kindly to this process and make both CK and game crash

Hey, late response, but thank you, I'll give this go! I played around in nifscope with the bsxflags and tried adding collider data but ended up with an object that crashed the CK, so I put this aspect of the mod on hold for now.. Definitely excited to give this a try!!

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  On 11/21/2020 at 8:44 PM, YouDoNotKnowMyName said:

Or, you could just make custom collision meshes for the NIFs with 3DSMAX 2013 .....

But since this is you first post here, I think that might be a bit too complicated for now ...


Welcome to modding Fallout 4, by the way!

It can be frustrating, because this game / engine has sooo much limitations, but it can be rewarding ..

Haha yeah I was reading about this method on an old forum for Oblivion from way back in the early 2010's and you are right, it seemed a bit much for me at the moment... I appreciate your welcome though! Tis indeed my first time modding fallout, but I put a bit of time in the Skyrim Creation Kit back before Special Edition launched, and haven't touched it since.. Defiantly felt like I was coming back to a more polished ball-and-chain haha :D

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