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Beth Blog Skyrim Beta Patch 1.9


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The persistent problem I was running into when applying the patch in conjunction with all my mods was that every load I'd be infected with four different diseases at once. I could cure them all by any normal means but if I quit and loaded up the game again they would return. And that character is a werewolf to boot. felt the likeliest incompatibility in that regard was RN&D, but an uninstall of the mod didn't solve the issue. I didn't spend much more time with it than that though as I felt like actually playing than troubleshooting, so I reverted back to 1.8, Other than that one issue though things were playable.

Edited by SacredKnight81
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So if you make your skills legendary does that reset all your perks or just the level skill

"Legendary Skills – Skills of 100 can be made Legendary. This will reset the skill to 15, return its Perks and allow the skill to affect leveling again. This effectively removes the overall level cap."


It resets them to 15 and probably gives you the perk points back.


Well damn that seems terrible. Hopefully your able to immedietly respend the perks for that tree. Otherwise I'll not download that patch until a mod comes out disabling the new leveling system and reverts it to how it was since release.

I am hoping the word "can" in that sentence means it is possible to opt out of the "legendary" thing. Personally I think Skyre does a great job of extending the perk trees in a meaningful way. I don't get how taking away all the perks/skill level and having to re-earn them makes sense, and I really hope it doesn't cause major havoc with mods that already have done such a fine job of addressing the overpowered issue. That said, it is nice to see so many bug fixes and I'm glad they are making an effort to improve their work.

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Yes it's a "can" not a "must" you can activate it when skill hits 100. Don't have to though. It's to make enemies once again stronger then you on the end game. Although I don't know why you would reset say smithing. It wouldn't achieve anything.
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Well, when you make a skill Legendary, it gives you back all the perk points....


....but since your skill is only 15, it won't let you (re)spend them on perks that require 20 skill, for example. Quite baffling.


I also get hit with five diseases (Ataxia, 2x Bone Break Fever and 2x Brain Rot) whenever I load a game. I'm also using RN@D, along with Frostfall.


Gonna try some more things.... not gonna revert just yet.


EDIT: So, I went back to the first savegame I have, when my character was level 10. RN+D and Frostfall were both disabled, of course, but I still was given two diseases.


I went back to my current save and unequipped everything, including my carry weight bags from AOM. Quicksaved, and reloaded, and was only given two diseases, both rattles. Still reinfected whenever I reload, though.


With this, and the head-scratching "Feature" of having to reearn all my perks by making a skill Legendary, I think I will revert, for now.


One more thing.... you don't HAVE to make a skill Legendary. It's not automatic or anything... You're just prompted to hit Space if you wish to make a particular skill in the Skills screen Legendary.


I'm failing to see any point to Legendary status in a skill, except for the point of getting a higher level cap. I'm at 81 and basically walked through Dragonborn since nothing much could actually hurt me. It doesn't make any sense for my character to be "Legendary" in Destruction magic, but not able to even dual cast any more.

Edited by MightionNY
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