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Oldscool Questsystem Mod?


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Hey, isn't there any major quest system overhaul yet? I really miss the oldscool quest system from morrowind where you actually had to read the directions and didn't get any hints on the Worldmap which even was completely covered in fog! Now I talk to an NPC, I wouldn't even have to hear him out since the quest instantly gets marked on my world map anyways. I find this rather dull compared to Morrowind. :(

Even though it wasn't really bigger, it just felt that way because you had to completely explore it on your own.

I just can't find any mod that does any of this and I don't get it. Maybe this post is more fitting for the request forum but possibly I'm really missing some major mods here. Enlighten me!

Also what are your thoughts on this?

Edited by Farsot
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Yea I already saw that one, would be nice alongside another mod which deactivates the mapmarkers until you really explored something!

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Good idea sir! Thats a start at least... thanks :) still need a mod which don't activates the questmarkers on the worldmap until I've actually been at the place.

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