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Bannerlord : UIExtender Issues - Vortex 1.3.19


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Started receiving this error today [image 1]. From what i can remember, all i did around the time i first got the error, was use deploy/refresh/sort features while i was configuring my modlist.
I have disabled all mods apart from the ones displayed [image 2], as they are the mods listed in the error.

Redownlading the file, PC restart, vortex restart/refresh/sort/deploy have not fixed it. Any help would be appreciated.

Hoping someone knows what 'Register method was not called before enable' means.


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  • 2 weeks later...

MandB 2 modding is basically dead with this still being an issue


I wouldn't say that. People seem to forget that Bannerlord is an early access game so it's very possible that mods will break with every update. Until it reaches the full, stable release you have to expect things go wrong.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a suggestion (I've only just bought the game and trying to get it to load with my mods)


Load your MCM files before the Native files, but after the important files.


I just has the same error and found this thread while figuring out my load order. Put it above Native and it went away.


Edit: so to clarify, my order is:





Mod Configuration Menu v4

MCM ModLib v1/v13 Extender blahblahblah

MCMv4 MCMv3 blahblahblah


Sandbox Core

etc. etc.

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