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Other werebeasts?


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So are there any mods at all in the works for implementing some of the less common werebeasts? Just for roleplay value at least? It would be interesting to roam the waters as a wereshark or charging squealing as a wereboar. How difficult is it to make unique transformations and unique were-forms? I am just curious as I have never modded before and I may eventually want to give it a shot if no one is planning on doing it themselves.

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I think there should be separate were-beasts forms for different races. While elves and humans have the standard were-wolf form, Khajiits should have were-lions, Argonians have were-crocodiles (I think it would be very awesome for Were-crocs to have the Jurassic Park III Spinosaurus roars).

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I think there should be separate were-beasts forms for different races. While elves and humans have the standard were-wolf form, Khajiits should have were-lions, Argonians have were-crocodiles (I think it would be very awesome for Were-crocs to have the Jurassic Park III Spinosaurus roars).


Stop right there you criminal scum, that's not what was requested here.


I think new beast forms would be great, all with different specializations, different skills and so.

So you could "Decide" what form suits your needs the best.


For example:


Werewolf, pack creature, lusts for blood, jack of all trades.


Werebear, Huge damage, slightly slower, really tough.


Wereboar, Oink oink? Big natural HP regeneration?


Werelion, sort-of combination of werewolf and werebear?


Werecrocodile/werelizard, spit poison? HP regen? Not as sturdy as werewolf.


Could probably lash out better ideas, more ideas, and ways to implement, but I don't want to start my ranting if nobody is interested.


But the catch is that they should feel different. Sound different. (Yes, sounds are ABSOLUTE must.)

So they wouldn't just be new skins for werewolf. (Or well, technically they are always new skins. )


I support the idea, and I hope someone would work out something like this.


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Yes I mean separate forms not replaces. Also race specific forms would be lore breaking. Each lycanthrope is the result of a separate strand of the werebeast disease. An imperal could be a werecroc, an argonian could become a wereboar, and a khajiit could be a werebear. All variables are possible no matter how bizarre it may seem. With Dragonborn out now I think making new werebeasts is easier but I do not know a lot about modding.

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How about a mod that let's you turn into a great big smoky flaming demon. Now, as a counter-opposite to this without using were-style animations only standard animations, how about being able to transform into a large bright winged angelic armored being with a powerful flaming sword in one hand and some fire spell in the other with some symbolic references to the divines. Then add a quest about becoming aedra/daedra that rewards you with one of these two forms upon completion.

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