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Is it me or Climate of Tamriel doesn't do a very big change to th


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It doesn't have as huge impact as the fallout version's of project reality I give you that but its still hugely noticable When going from vanilla to cot weather systems.


Vanilla Had very few different weathers wile cot has hundreads not to mension the outdoor lighting you get with cot.Vanilla was brilliant sunshine cloudy and overcast and not much inbetween cot adds much more realistic patterns.Cot is one of those mods I couldn't play a bethesda game without you most likely don't notice it because it blends so perfectly with the game (thats what its supposed to do) but mark my words you would notice it if was gone.


My god my spell check has no power here so sorry for all the spelling mistakes.

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Cot is one of those mods I couldn't play a bethesda game without you most likely don't notice it because it blends so perfectly with the game (thats what its supposed to do) but mark my words you would notice it if was gone.

This is quite true, I'm currently playing without CoT for the 1.9 beta and I miss it terribly :(


OP (and any other curious people), this might help a bit:



It's for an older version of CoT, but it covers what the mod does very well.

All the plugins that Gopher mentions as being in the works have been implemented.


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i dunno., i notice a HUGE difference in the variety of clouds, to different weather patterns. Light rain, heavy rain, crazy cool clouds, all that, i didnt get this mod for weather i got it for its enviromental effects, maybe you didnt play vanilla long enough to realize the change. Another thing i may suggest is move it to the BOTTOM of your load order, as you need to do with WATER redux, if you do that, you get rid of the black water bug.

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wow - the winter version looks awesome. how will that be implememted? will it be through options in game? or when the mod is installed? or will it happen naturally over time? whichever it is colour me interested!

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wow - the winter version looks awesome. how will that be implememted? will it be through options in game? or when the mod is installed? or will it happen naturally over time? whichever it is colour me interested!

you will install COT v3 like v2.1 and miracle, skyrim will became real :wink:


edit:btw i wonder how it will work with HD textures pack SkyHd2k, SFO etc.., install order will be (may be) tricky


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