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Destruction Master Quest - Stuck


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So. I train up to the point that the Journeyman trainers can't train me in Destruction. They point me to Bralsa Andaren but I can't talk to her. When I try she tells me to go away as I frighten the animals and make her job more difficult. Then it dumps me out of the conversation so I can't even raise her disposition. How am I suppose to progress with the quest and get her to train me? O.o

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What is reported in the console before you try speaking to her with the command "getstage TrainingDestruction" (without using the quote marks)?

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From what I am reading, the fix is to remove the unofficial patches....... Even though it fixes a couple other bugs with her....... I find it odd that the "fix" is to remove some other fix...... Worth a shot I suppose. Maybe leave the UOP off till you get the quest, then re-enable it? No idea if that will work or not.



Oh what a surprise, pardon the sarcasm. It's how I fixed Skyrim is by removing the Unofficial Patch. One of the Dark Brotherhood quests, in Skyrim, the one were you have to kill the Emperor's cousin at her wedding, she never went to her wedding until the Unofficial Patch was removed. >.< Let me try that.


Edit: And bingo! She finally is talking to me and asked me for the 20 bear pelts, which is the next stage in the quest. Again, not a surprise.


Edit 2: But now Oblivion itself is nagging at me, well, ok, not * nagging * but a once a game load it is popping up a "Install the Unofficial Patch Supplements " message. O.o

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