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Command Console? how do i get it


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Hitting the tilde key (~) should do it, it isn't a window or anything like that that pops up. Your health meter and compass should be replaced by a line in the lower left corner of the screen, where you type your command.
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If you are already pressing the tilde key and its not showing up... the you can look in your oblivian.ini file


go to mydocumants/mygames/oblivion/oblivian.ini


open oblivion.ini and scroll down until you see the title [interface]


under [interface] you need to scroll down and make sure that


bAllowConsole=1 is set to = 1 and not = 0


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Several possible reasons. Most related to the infrared receiver transmitter that for some odd reason Microsoft has taking the keycode away from the '~' key.


If you have the Media Center version of windows with a infrared control attached. Unplug the IR receiver.


On Most laptops the built in IR is enabled by default.



I found this searching over internet to find the solution for this problem. It seems most of the laptop with Windows Vista installed have same problem of unable to bring up the console command by pressing tilde(~) key because most of them comes installed with Microsoft eHome IR.


It is simple to fix actually. It's either delete this, or modify littlebit to go around this function.


Go to 'Device Mananger' -> 'Keyboard' -> 'Microsoft eHome MCIR 109 Keyboard'


Right click it, and now you can either choose to 'uninstall' to simply make the tilde key works again in fallout 3, oblivion and other games that does not let you use ~ as console. However, If you feel discomforted uninstalling the driver, then there is other solution.


Right click it and instead of clicking 'uninstall', choose 'update driver software'


when new window pops up, choose 'browse my computer for driver software'


now when new stuff comes up, choose 'let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'


several stuff comes up as a list. click on 'HID-compliant device' and click 'next' (or simply double click it)


now it is done!! try fallout 3 and see for yourself.

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Hey! My console won't work either and I've tried everything on this page. The bAllowConsole command is set to 1, I don't have any IR recievers and I tried reinstalling and uninstalling my keyboard drivers. Any help?


uninstall and reinstall oblivion O.O


when you edit oblivion.ini the game must not be running so if it was running when you set the ballowconsole than it didnt take


other then that if bens suggestion didnt help maybe your tilde key is disabled

try mapping the console to a different key :-)

you can check out this site to learn how to remap your keyboard just assign the tilde key to another button :-)




other than that uninstall and reinstall oblivion maybe something messed up... who knows


are you using an xbox controller or other controller with it? if so try unplugging it and see if that works. :-)

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