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NMM version 0.44 released, new file servers and site updates


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NMM 44.1 hangs up everytime I try to delete a mod (installation/uninstallation is fine) but deletion causes guarenteed hang up.
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In response to post #7511740.

me too, just now deleted all the dupes.. and a message telling me it was going to install mods over the ones I had because it said they were newer.. cancelled those operations.. wow what a mess
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In response to post #7509351. #7509719, #7510109, #7510214, #7510365 are all replies on the same post.

Amen. I have always installed updates to NMM on faith-- never had a problem before. After this mess, though, I will wait until all bugs are fixed. I never signed up to be a beta tester... and when it comes to things that break my game I don't ever intend to be.
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In response to post #7512863.

I'll be using it too. No need to update what's not broken.
I never found a bug in mine. So I really don't know what they are talking about.
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In response to post #7509351. #7509719, #7510109, #7510214, #7510365, #7512850 are all replies on the same post.

My point was that once you've produced a reliable stable product - and done so with subsequent releases (NMM was doing this lately, until 0.44), the term "beta" ceases to have meaning to users in the sense that any caution or special treatment of the product as "unfinished" evaporates. That's the point in software development when you need to call it a stable release and move the "beta" work to a version where you are trying out features. Then, calling it "beta" will have meaning again because it stands against a stable non-beta version. We're probably just arguing semantics about the word beta, but hopefully you get my drift.Note: it would be quite different if you kept the previous version available for D/L when you uploaded a new one with new features. Please consider this. Edited by ChronoTrigger77
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