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Right, but how exactly do you make the map? You got to have some kind of concept art, some base picture. And for this purpose is the heightmap... right?

Ok, I did something like that ...

You know those in-game "local map" things that you can view on the pipboy?

You can generate and export them for an entire worldspace with the CK.

That's what I did.

Then I stitched all the "tiles" together in photoshop and I had a high resolution map of the worldspace.

(I did this for the "commonwealth" worldspace.

The map was like 30GBs large!


I would have to down-scale it to be used in game.


(I did this to have a huge "wall sized" map of the commonwealth. Maybe I will upload it here as a resource ...)



As for the acutal "in game map" for your worldspace, it depends:

How did you make the landscape for your worldspace?


If you imported it from a heightmap:

Then you can maybe use the heightmap as a "base" and draw in things like roads / buildings ... "by hand" to get a prettly looking "pipboy" map.


If you shaped the landscape "by hand" in the CK:

Maybe use xEdit with the "worldspace browser" script to export an image (based on the labndscape LOD) of the worldspace and use that as a "base" to create a nice looking map for the pipboy ...



It's a lot of hard (graphic) work to get "good looking" maps and there is no "right way" to make a good map.

(I mean, there is a right way to get the map into the game, but no right way to make the map "look good".)

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I make everything from the scratch. That's why it took me so long to finish the mod. I work on it for 15 months, practically non-stop, since I'm unemployed, but this is probably far behind this topic...


Anyway, here is my map generated from FO4Edit (BTW, thanks for pointing this out - since now I used FO4Edit only for cleaning purposes)...




... and here're my 2 reasons why this is not very usable when we talk about PipBoy map:

1. the picture is small and blurry, thus not very detailed. I played with some options and this is the best result I get (when I choose high values, the FO4Edit says my computer doesn't have enough resources)

2. on the picture there're only textures rendered. From the far the map looks pretty good, but if you zoom in, you can notice how inproper it is. If there would be some option to generate also LOD objects like rocks, trees, etc., it would be much, much better, and it practically would be like a satellite shot (BTW the original map from STALKER game is also a modified satellite map).


As you can notice, I added 3 red dots to the map, that represents actual functional map markers. Well, not so functional because there's no worldmap, right? So I got this question:

How the game knows where to put those markers on the worldmap?

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