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is it worth learning at this point


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You need to differentiate between the kiddie masses, mod developers, and TES fans/mod fans.


The bulk of the playerbase has moved on, but they are not the people who really care about mods. They become interested when some gaming site posts a top 10 must have mods (read: ENBs and SkyUI), hit the Nexus top 100, then leave to play the next game. They are the "Whiterun crowd".


Mod developers aren't going anywhere because there is nowhere else to go, until FO4 comes out. Right now if you want to make mods, TES games (and FO games) are your only real option.


And TES fans and mod fans will stick with the game for a while, even if they are not actively nolifing it. They keep an eye on the mods that come out, and when enough cool stuff has arrived, they install it and play for a while. If your mod is good enough to be considered a must-have for players with certain wishes (eg Frostfall for sim fans) or provides new quests and other content, it will have a very long shelf life.


What will kill Skyrim is FO4 because it will snatch up the mod fans and mod developers. But it will be released "when it's ready" and will also use the same engine and have similar modding capabilities. When everyone is rushing to release mods and strike gold, you don't want to be learning the whole thing from scratch, do you?

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Dude, the Morrowind modding community's still around, and there's still a lot of action on Oblivion's Nexus page. If it's any consolation, Skyrim modding will probably stay strong until the high point of the next Elder Scrolls game.


So yeah, get started soon, 'cuz you're falling behind.

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