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How can I choose which picture is used for the mod preview pic


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That is the problem, it doesn't use the first image anymore just some random image from all the images I upload. There is no special preview pic area under the edit attributes area to drag to or from and under the images section there is no preview pic area to drag to. I know I can change the order of images in the image section but it throws off the order of the images after that. If I knew which number the preview pic was always going to be I could just take my shots in relation to it but it appears to be random.

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Okay so today the site layout changed and I like the new pic for the background thing so that adds two buttons on every image now instead of just the delete button but still no green checkmark button for preview image? It actually takes effort to remove something so I am guessing that the only reason something like this preview pic chooser button was removed is because it interfered with the drag and drop pictures option somehow? If I can't get the right pic for the preview anymore I am gonna have to resort to using a walkthrough video instead and just one image so it can't get it wrong about what image I want for the preview pic... maybe that is the reason why the button is missing now? to make people use less images?

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The primary image is the first image listed in your images section. You change the order by dragging and dropping. If you provide a link to the file I can make sure it's working as intended.

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Ok it looks like the tenth image is what is used by the preview image space for me don't know if it is different for anyone else. I don't want it changed just for me I just want to know is it a temporary bug that will go away for everyone in a few days or what to do? Since it is the tenth image for me I could just upload my 1st image as the tenth from now on but it would be nice to have that green check button back. :biggrin:





I just dragged my 1st image in one of my mod pages to the tenth spot and waited about five mins then dragged it back again and it works now. So if it is a bug then maybe the bug is the preview space is locking on to the tenth image instead of the first? So dragging to tenth and then back again after several mins fixes it so far.

Edited by dragonslayer2k12
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