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Reinstalling Oblivion outside of Program x64


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I read on the forums that Win 7 can mess up mods by prevnting tampering with programs installed into Program folders. I found I got blocked when I tried to use Wrye Bash (which also pointed out Oblivion would be better installed elsewhere) to install Beautiful Characters.


I already am running Oblivion with a bunch of mods , have OBSE and Mod Manger in the Oblivion folder and set my shortcut to the mod manager launcher. Can anyone give me some simple instructions to reinstall the game without needing to download and install eveything all over agian? Thanks so much.


By the way, anyone else spend so much time tweaking and instaling mods that you never play the game?

Edited by Splunge
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Have a look through Bben46's wiki article Oblivion reinstall procedure. There are instructions for backing up and saving your Data folder etc. Don't miss the link near the top of the page about moving your Steam install location if you use the Steam version of the game, and don't skip the part part about cleaning your registry.

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