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You all are quite a great community! I do need a few days to handle a few personal things (girlfriend's visiting town, horray!), but after that, I promise I'll get this mod out and released.


As soon as Steam lets me sign on.



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You all are quite a great community! I do need a few days to handle a few personal things (girlfriend's visiting town, horray!), but after that, I promise I'll get this mod out and released.


As soon as Steam lets me sign on.





Could we get a teaser release notes or pics?

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That was very short, but welcome! Enjoy your stay, and tell us if there's anything you need.

I feel like I am at a hotel. Thank you very much! I will enjoy my stay at the Nexus Forums hotel. :tongue:

Would you like some complimentary soap?



Only if we get complimentary towels as well. Those would certainly look nice in my bathroom.

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Soap? Heavens no! That'd take all the natural oils out of my scales! I prefer a dip in a nice clean river, lake or swamp (Ok the swamp isn't very clean, but I like swamps). Now if they provide sauna/steam room access then that'd be heavenly and perfect for my scales.


ok.. RP aside.. Hows the mod coming along guys? My new PC was delayed (Order just got processed and "Should" ship tomorrow), so I won't have it for another week or so. But it should arrive by my B'day on the 19th.. The mod being done by that would be a nice B'day present!. :)

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Soap? Heavens no! That'd take all the natural oils out of my scales! I prefer a dip in a nice clean river, lake or swamp (Ok the swamp isn't very clean, but I like swamps). Now if they provide sauna/steam room access then that'd be heavenly and perfect for my scales.


ok.. RP aside.. Hows the mod coming along guys? My new PC was delayed (Order just got processed and "Should" ship tomorrow), so I won't have it for another week or so. But it should arrive by my B'day on the 19th.. The mod being done by that would be a nice B'day present!. :smile:

Oooh hotsprings. And yeah that would be a good birthday present. :happy:

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The nice things with scales is that we don't have to worry about the oils being on the outside, like disgusting skin. Screw that soap, that river sounds nice for my scales!


But yes, aside from the RP, I MIGHT be able to finish it by then, although most of the boots will be Damian's original closed toes one, we'll have no Khajiit armor yet, and yeah.

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