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This forum has just evolved to the next level: True Furries and Scalies.


es que este mod no es cualquier mod EL MOD de los furries, sin el no no sentiriamos comodos =3 porcierto, yo tambien tambien tengo scalesona : soy un a tortuga jaja



this mod is not any mod, IS THE MOD , without It would not be comfortable =3 , I also have scalesona: I am a turtle hahahaha


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Funny how I remember a post Senviro did a long time ago in a kinda controversial site that I cannot link of the WIP of the bodies for this mod. And hey,I hope our presence doesn't make you uncomfortable Derok.


Also, for the turtle person: First time I hear about a turtle scalie tbh. Most go for other species/reptiles and such

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I have lots of friends who are furry and have often been called one myself honestly I dunno if I even count as a furry at all. I am not involved in many fandoms productively and the one I am most passively involved in is MLP which is fun to headcannon about and a good show to watch when you are depressed and need a pick me up. Mostly though my fandom involvement is close to none and while I do like some of the art the furry fandom produces I honestly don't know whether I count as a part of any fandom.

Irregardless I self identify as Otherkin(Don't look at the Otherkin tumblr its not helpful at all) mostly any real Otherkin a nd Therians I have met believe its some sort of mental issue related to autism or reincarnation but all of this ties into blah blah science philosophy religion etc. In my case and experience with the people who claim to be Otherkin or Therian on tumblr are lying and honestly most think they're funny but they are not theyre mocking people and making a group of people with enough problems of their own with ridicule due to their belief and mental state get further ridicule from the entirety of the world its why i never talk about it safer to be considered a furry than Otherkin if I say I am Otherkin the chance of my own death coming prematurely increases dramatically. We get flak from the LGBT community for pretending and making life harder for them but really its those jokers on tumblr which cause all these problems for both groupd not that anyone seems to realize this as few ever actually look for real info and just trust the tumblr fools and believe them and now nobody takes us seriously. Its infuriating I play agames to help eliminate some of my own species dysphoria. Imagine not being able to look in the mirror without seeing an alien face looking back at you. Anyway theres lots of problems Ive just spammed at you sorry about that.

Oh well risk of insititutinalization and death aside I must agree with Drohung this is mostly a furry mod. Though it is also good for lore nuts. Also before anyone says anything I recognize my body is human and have no belief in this physical shifting nonsense that some fool has been spouting over the years.

Also just some really bad hate video some idiot felt the need to make(language warning understand this guy is the worst example and probably one of the more vocal ones and while death threats do come its not impossible to live my life.) https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v= 5GtSfhLYV44 Also dangit youtube for moving all educational videos to the back and hate videos and goth teenagers who know nothing about anything to the front *slow clap* Yeah I just.. there is no respect none whatsoever from anyone on the planet not even people that believe in reincarnation. (Why does it embed automatically?)

Edited by AriaroseArgonian
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Ariarose, it's a real shame when others who (claim) to be otherkin/therians believe it is a mental sickness or related. F-word them for thinking like that honestly :| (imo).


And while I don't experience feeling that my reflection is "an alien looking back at me" (quoting you), I do understand how it is. It sure might be annoying sometimes. And as for the Fandoms thing, you don't really have to call yourself a furry. Sure, you could. After all, there are Otherkin/Therian groups that are formed inside the fandom's community (I'm oblivious as of how they might be actually. I've seen the groups but never tried to socialize with them for some reason), then again, it's not like relevant to say "I'm a furry" or whatever, you can just say that you like it and that's it. Works the same with the MLP fandom in a way... (with any fandom now that I think of it)


And... I'm sorry about any death threats and such... It's really REALLY dumb to feel in danger for something you like the seems weird or like a huge mental sickness-- Something that is completely ok and doesn't put anything or anyone in danger (it's not like if you kill people or other animals). Society is a female dog sometimes.... most of the time.

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Ariarose, it's a real shame when others who (claim) to be otherkin/therians believe it is a mental sickness or related. F-word them for thinking like that honestly :| (imo).


And while I don't experience feeling that my reflection is "an alien looking back at me" (quoting you), I do understand how it is. It sure might be annoying sometimes. And as for the Fandoms thing, you don't really have to call yourself a furry. Sure, you could. After all, there are Otherkin/Therian groups that are formed inside the fandom's community (I'm oblivious as of how they might be actually. I've seen the groups but never tried to socialize with them for some reason), then again, it's not like relevant to say "I'm a furry" or whatever, you can just say that you like it and that's it. Works the same with the MLP fandom in a way... (with any fandom now that I think of it)


And... I'm sorry about any death threats and such... It's really REALLY dumb to feel in danger for something you like the seems weird or like a huge mental sickness-- Something that is completely ok and doesn't put anything or anyone in danger (it's not like if you kill people or other animals). Society is a female dog sometimes.... most of the time.

Thanks.. Its been so long since any such things have happened because I just stopped talking about it. And yeah fandoms are like that I don't understand how people can just say you should die because oh you like x show or y artwork its not relevant and is really disgusting even worse when its a integral part of yourself you can do nothing to change. Yeah we should stop making the chat depressing now for everyone else. Sorry about that everyone. I normally don't just start spouting my personal stuff everywhere guess I am in a mood.

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