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Possible being a disorder or some symptom of a disability, irregardless were all awesome in our own way.





Edited by strazytski
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Happy valentine's day everyone. And since everyone seems to be getting it off their chest, I suppose I am a scalie as well.


Drohung, i'ma going to send you a message over Deviant art. I wish to ask you a favor.

Is that a commission?

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I agree, Nothing wrong with being a furry or scaley.. I'm both (and one wasn't even my idea, though I agreed). 1/2 Fox (Black) and 1/2 Dragon (Platinum). Obviously was born in the wrong body as a few things are missing and on occasion I can "Feel" them, that being, my tail and fur ( I had a dream once and got to run as a wolf/fox and felt what it was to have fur/tail/paws and was truly content ). A very unusual girl was convinced I was a dragon, some would say she was crazy, claiming to be able to channel demons for information, however, she knew things about me she couldn't have known and about a character (at least he was a character/persona of mine) that I hadn't told anyone about, and he was a 1/2 Dragon, 1/2 Furry (At the time I believed a werewolf, but later altered it to fox as it fit my personality more). Was she crazy, maybe, but then how'd she know what she knew? I can appear,or should be able to appear, as a Anthro Black Fox or a Half-Dragon/Half Fox Anthro (Not able to assume a full dragon form/size). Not knowing what my true world of origin should be (Though it'd have to be one associated with "Bahamut, The King of Dragons"), Ah, did I forget to mention that teensy detail? Yes, the dragon she was convinced I was descended from, was a godly one, lucky me, born a mortal instead.


So here I am, on Earth, in neither my draco, nor fox form, having to resort to making a fursuit, just to look how I "Should" look or make myself look somewhat appropriate in the games I play. Skyrim is one, and aside from some silly comic themed dialogue, I suggest Champions Online, Cryptic Games, to create visual representations of your inner selves, they have an incredible character creator, to create just about anything you can think of (Once you unlock/buy enough costume options either by Subbing/LTS or buying in their "Cash Store"). Give it a shot, I'd say look me up there, but I refuse to play Champions Again until I can afford LTS for it as LTS would unlock virtually every costume option I don't have but want.


People may think we're weird or crazy (and maybe we are, but thats crazy talk), but then several wise men have said things like, "Infinite worlds, with infinite possibilities" and "For every reality, there is an equal or opposite reality." These men were considered crazy once, and yet are some of our most highly regarded scholars and theoreticians. If they are right, there is a reality out there where we belong, we just got directed to the wrong one. Will we ever find a way there? Perhaps not in our lifetime, but the possibility is there that some day we'll unlock the door to these other planes and realities (Probably not a good idea to open these doors, as who knows what'll come thru, but mankind will do it anyway)

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