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Yes, yes, but I said I would do the armor a good while ago. I need to work on it. Alright, I won't rush it, I won't specify a date, I'll do my best, but I DO still need what armors people want.

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Hey just wanted to throw out there that this mod and alll of it's creators and helpers are just amazeing. I've been waiting for this since I began playing skyrim. In the future I'm planning on trying to make an owl race and these kind of legs are a great basis of comparison already. Also Drohung I can upload some drawings of armors that might be inspireing to the eye to make in a few days if you want im more of a light armor guy so it's more likely to be aimed at the archers, thieves and dualists. and one I think would go well for argonianshttp://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/026/6/f/barbarian__s_delux_armor_by_artisansdazure-d382pez.jpg

Edited by Slavidi
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Slavidi, I thank you much for the suggestion and image, but for the moment I have made two personal rogue armors. Right now, my only want is to convert armors. After that, via Derok's suggestion, I'm working on soldier armor. After that, I'm going to make a mage armor, and then I'll do more rogue work. I'll keep your suggestion in mind!


Keldycandy, that is a viable suggestion for conversion. I agree with you entirely on the last half, definitely. But, not everyone wants to run around naked, so I think I'll convert the Dragonscale armor for sure. Of course, I'm not sure about Daedric or Dragon plate. Anyone have any other conversion suggestions?

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*Sigh* Alright. Here's the deal. I'll post TWO converted armors for the Alpha UBR by the end of this week so people will STOP complaining about there not being any armor. Since I won't be using these armors, I want everyone to decide on ONE HEAVY AND ONE LIGHT armor for me to convert. Tell me, I'll do it, and then no more complaining and being impatient. Okay? Can we all agree on this deal?


And I say "by the end of the week" (As in by Sunday evening) because I DO have a life and I have A LOT to do in it. And don't worry, I won't rush it. I'll do a good job for all of you guys.

I'm going to agree with Cryotek here; don't force yourself to do things that you don't want to.


That said, my suggestion if you want to go through with this is dragon scale and dragon plate. My reason for these choices is because they are high AR armours (the highest in the case of scale) and IMO, the ingredients for these armour pieces are much easier to obtain than the other high AR armour pieces.

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if you want any ideas for armors to convert, try doing dragonscale armor and maybe deadric, or dragon plate, either way if you do convert the armor or not it doesnt matter to me i just want my character to be a true beastly beast!

you also said something about defense console command for editing defense while wearing no armor too, like i said either way works for me :)

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I do WANT to do the armor, but people are simply rushing me with it. So I want to get SOMETHING good and well out for all to use.


I usually go by the console command method myself, or I just make my own armor. I've got a few new ones to upload pics of.

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I'll put in a vote on armors, too, but I would rather see the mod continue further along, more than I'd like to see armors done this early on (given that things are still fluid and may change at any moment.)


My votes: Steel Armor and one of the light low-level armors.


My reasoning: Bandits occasionally are Khajiit or Argonians, and bandits don't wear dragonscale or Daedric armors. The first quest of the main gives Steel Armor (I've yet to get anything else but steel armor after 5 playthroughs, so... if it's randomized, I must get good luck), and thereby a new player can easily get an armor that works.


If I may, as well, suggest converting one article of clothing. I'll leave which one up to you wonderful modders, as I honestly never play unarmored, but I'm sure there's a few out there who prefer the clothing over armor, or nothing.


Still watching this mod, cause I'm excited to see where it goes from here! Still waiting on the Khajiit side, but I can be patient.

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I'll put in a vote on armors, too, but I would rather see the mod continue further along, more than I'd like to see armors done this early on (given that things are still fluid and may change at any moment.)


My votes: Steel Armor and one of the light low-level armors.


My reasoning: Bandits occasionally are Khajiit or Argonians, and bandits don't wear dragonscale or Daedric armors. The first quest of the main gives Steel Armor (I've yet to get anything else but steel armor after 5 playthroughs, so... if it's randomized, I must get good luck), and thereby a new player can easily get an armor that works.


If I may, as well, suggest converting one article of clothing. I'll leave which one up to you wonderful modders, as I honestly never play unarmored, but I'm sure there's a few out there who prefer the clothing over armor, or nothing.


Still watching this mod, cause I'm excited to see where it goes from here! Still waiting on the Khajiit side, but I can be patient.


But armors are needed for this mod to work properly, so it should be the main focus atm.


As for armors I'm going with anything for thieves, assasins etc for light and well heavy is heavy so whatever goes here, perhaps steel as Madrias suggested.


Also, you should take your time. As much as I really want to have this mod working properly a-s-a-p I would rather see it done right than rushed. However, a couple of armors for now woudl be nice too :-)

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