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Crimson, it's already been stated that the body meshes are not final. Until Senviro finishes all the bodies and Derok gets them in-game, armors won't be the main focus. As of now, the mod DOES work properly. There's just little to no armor. As of now, I have a bit done on some conversions. So far, it sounds like steel armor is an interest, so I can work on that. Otherwise, light armors seem to be at an indecision. (Also, converting boots. I've got a nice look for them and already have a pair working. Just needa get a screenshot)


Also, Madrias, I have robe and clothing conversions planned after some armors. I shall also be making an argonian clothing mod based around UBR later.

Edited by Drohung
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Crimson, it's already been stated that the body meshes are not final. Until Senviro finishes all the bodies and Derok gets them in-game, armors won't be the main focus. As of now, the mod DOES work properly. There's just little to no armor. As of now, I have a bit done on some conversions. So far, it sounds like steel armor is an interest, so I can work on that. Otherwise, light armors seem to be at an indecision. (Also, converting boots. I've got a nice look for them and already have a pair working. Just needa get a screenshot)


Also, Madrias, I have robe and clothing conversions planned after some armors. I shall also be making an argonian clothing mod based around UBR later.

I vote topless fur armor or on the fur armor with the shoulder fur something near the begining that you see on bandits like earlyer stated by Madrias or hide armor because scale is very dull

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I'll put in a vote on armors, too, but I would rather see the mod continue further along, more than I'd like to see armors done this early on (given that things are still fluid and may change at any moment.)


My votes: Steel Armor and one of the light low-level armors.


My reasoning: Bandits occasionally are Khajiit or Argonians, and bandits don't wear dragonscale or Daedric armors. The first quest of the main gives Steel Armor (I've yet to get anything else but steel armor after 5 playthroughs, so... if it's randomized, I must get good luck), and thereby a new player can easily get an armor that works.


If I may, as well, suggest converting one article of clothing. I'll leave which one up to you wonderful modders, as I honestly never play unarmored, but I'm sure there's a few out there who prefer the clothing over armor, or nothing.


Still watching this mod, cause I'm excited to see where it goes from here! Still waiting on the Khajiit side, but I can be patient.

If I can suggest one article of clothing I would recommend some sort of mage robe, preferably a higher end-looking one (maybe the hoodless archmage's robes, or a retexture of such?) Unarmored characters are frequently mages, so reskinning the archmage robes and making that enchantable or just plain given the archmage enchantment would probably be best.


If not that, then the bartender set, since the two argonians in the bee and barb both wear that, and they're two of the few argonians in the game. The bartender set has a retexture of it, so you'd get two outfits with one stone, and you can modify the very few argonians who don't wear the bartender set to wear that.


IIRC some of the dock argonians also wear that outfit.


And, of course, modifying that particular outfit to fit a flatchested digitigrade female argonian would be grand~

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But why only three toes ? Lizards have four toes. And I'm sure : with four toes on the ground, argonian's feet will be more pleasant to look.

Most likely because of Morrowind's anatomy, 3 toes (well, disregarding the opposable thumb at the heels):




...oh, and lookie thar... no breasts on females in Morrowind. Who was trying to tell the opposite?


That's why I prefer giving people 'options', and dislike all those absolutes.



I think there's the breast on their model but since Morrowind has no normal maps it's hard to tell...

I'm almost sure Morrowind Beast Races didn't use a different model. Bethesda just gave them different animations and different feet. Sadly we can't do the same on Skyrim because:


1 Good looking animations are really hard to make

2 We don't even know how to make animations

3 Morrowind has less animations than Skyrim. We don't just have to create new walking animations, but EVERYTHING, and when I say everything I mean: drinking, sitting, dancing, attacking, jumping etc...


That's it.


And I think Senviro used dinosaur legs as reference for Argonians so this is why they have four toes :P

I think five toes would make more sense since they have five fingers... They look better with four toes anyway.


Lizards aren't digitigrade either. They basically had chicken feet. or anisodactyl digits.


It's not the normal map, there aren't really any breasts. Of course there are real women as flat as that, but if you just compare it with the female Khajiit the difference is blindingly obvious. However bethesda didn't make seperate clothing and armour so the argonians basically stuffed bras lol. But it wasn't very jarring because morrowind didn't really have any cleavage revealing outfits like skyrim.


Morrowind beast races used VERY different models (unless you modded it). Not only is the entire body significantly different from the mer and men bodies, the argonians were different from khajiit too. Argonians had thick reptile-like necks and a torso that forms into a thick tail instead of having butt cheeks. Complementing that is the awesome and adorable swimming animation where they waddle it like a tadpole.


Yes we sadly can't have any of that in Skyrim but it has nothing to do with the animation themselves- plenty of people have made brilliant animations. The problem is that it's impossible to have unique animations for different races as far as I know so far. The closest are people have done are gender exclusive animations, but even that is a bit of a finicky hack.

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