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Well, Just read all of the post.. yes, I said all of them.. And you guys make me wish I could afford to get a new PC so I could get the PC version of Skyrim just to use the mod you're working on. The work looks great and even damian84's work on the armor looks nice. Sadly I can't get a new PC and only get to play Skyrim on my Xbox. If you ever get this mod finished and fine-tuned I really do think you should contact Bethseda and see if they can make a port of it for the Consoles as I'd love this on the Xbox.


In either case, keep up the incredible work, Bethseda/Zenimax should look into hiring you guys just so future Elder Scrolls games look the way they should. Look forward to seeing screenshots of the finished work even if I can't use the mod myself.

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I'd love to work on a new Elder Scroll game. Could be possible in the (very distance) future, but highly improbable. I only ever worked for one little indie game company, as a writer. With credentials that thin, my chances of working on a big title are pretty low.


Glad you like how the mod is progressing though.

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"morrowind styled beasts" are different beasts than in the rest of tamriel... different breeds of khajiit and argonians... read the lore for Talos sake

Which one? It keeps getting completely rewritten with each new game. :sad:


I prefer sticking to my own 'lore', which is... there is none. There's far more enjoyable artistic freedom that way, too. I can heartly recommend it to everyone.

Define your own game, ignore all else. Especially never pay any mind to "others'" ideas of how "your" game should be. A whole new dimension of fun that will be.


(Lore mongering always falls on deaf ears with me as well, because a post quickly looses all relevance when poking on something non-persistant.)

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I'm asking bilo to take the old mod down, but she doesn't answer me.

When the mod is ready I need some help with the description and eventually some graphic art.

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Soz, been away. :turned:

Do you have a new page up yet? I'll put a a big redirect on the main page and might keep the page a while. I have files there I still feel sentimental about, and it doesn't hurt to have another page promoting it.

I'm also still a bit interested on playing with an integrated tail and body, which would solve the clipping problems.



While you guys may not be able to do animations, if you could modify argonian / khajiit tails such that they don't clip with cloaks of skyrim, it would be AWESOME.

The tail positions are almost entirely done via animations. If you open up the tail meshes, you see that they are literally just a stick pointing straight out horizontally. Although the base of the tail would look alot better pointed down more inline with the body, it's actually the clothing that needs to be modified to stop clipping, not the tails. You need special argonian and khajiit versions with a cutout and the area around the cutout skinned to the tail bone.

But cloaks are more difficult, it doesn't really make sense to cut a hole in it. But if there's enough polygons it might work to shape the cloak to be draped around the tail, and skin it to the tail bones so it moves with the tail animation. Lots of work and not easy though.


I find it very interesting mod,
as it gives them more personality to animal breeds
I modified armor and boots to fit the new body if you're interested I can send you the files.
however, I have problems with the weight slider in some cases
Sample images
sorry for my English is not very good


ily, seriously. and I'm so happy so many skilled people are jumping in on this. What problems are you having with the weight sliders? I can imagine a few dozen. They are extremely touchy, the vertex count and vertex order have to match exactly or everything will explode and you might have to start over. The vertex order is especially easy to accidentally change unknowingly, but sometimes it can still be saved through some tedious processes.

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