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HOW do i disable/remove this bull**** tripping?


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Happens when your character runs out of stamina/ends up in negative stamina.


If you're using something that buffs stamina and you run out then its charge does you end up in minus and your character's going down. So either keep a closer watch on your stamina bar, or find a mod that stops you completely running out.

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I really dont care about this bs "realism", why is my character the only character to fall over like a sack of crap while all other npcs dont. And when my character falls over, the first person camera got all messed up and I have to restart oblivion and load an earlier save most of the time this happens.

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Maybe a Fortify Fatigue spell will do? I use one when I am mining... And it do raise Restoration


Something to be aware of when using fortify spells/potions is what happens when the effect wears off. Your character's fatigue/magicka/strength/etc is instantly dropped by the amount of the buff, and if this then drops your current value below zero you will get the effect the OP is describing (for the case of fatigue). This is touched on briefly in the Notes section at Oblivion:Fortify Attribute and outlined more specifically in the Notes section of Oblivion:Fortify Fatigue.

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Yes I find the use of restore potions and spells far superior to fortify. Chug a restore magicka and look out bandits ... you are mine!!

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Once you skill up your alchemy you will be able to make potions that are far superior to anything you can buy/find in the game, it's just that the total effect takes place over time, not instantly.


My characters never buy potions (or at least so rarely that I can't recall an instance). If you want potions for restore health and/or restore magicka Conjurer and Necromancer dungeons are a good spot (they almost always carry a supply of the best quality available at your character's level).


- Edit - Some examples of what I'm talking about ...


Vanilla game:

Strong Potion of Healing - restore health 50 points

Strong Potion of Sorcery - restore magicka 100 points

Strong Potion of Respite - restore fatigue 50 points


Custom potions:

A Restore Health - restore health 13 points for 43 seconds - total restore health 559 points

A Restore Magicka - restore magicka 24 points for 78 seconds - total restore magicka 1872 points

A Shielded Restore Magicka - shield 51% for 166 seconds plus restore magicka 24 points for 78 seconds - total restore magicka 1872 points plus shield 51%

A Restore Fatigue - restore fatigue 27 points for 86 seconds - total restore fatigue 2322 points

A Life Saver - restore health 13 points for 43 seconds plus restore fatigue 27 points for 86 seconds - total restore health 559 points plus restore fatigue 2322 points


The custom A Shielded Restore Magicka and A Life Saver are less commonly used than the custom single effect potions (A Shielded Restore Magicka more often than A Life Saver, but that is a result of gameplay style more than anything else). All of my custom potion examples are made at my character's current 100 in Alchemy using all master quality apparatus and vanilla game ingredients.


I use a combination of Basic Primary Needs + Realistic Fatigue + Basic Physical Activities tweaked to serve my purpose so managing health and fatigue are paramount ... if I need to chug A Life Saver it means I haven't done a good job of assessing risks beforehand. My guy always has a small supply of the vanilla potions in inventory, the only one that gets much use is the Strong Potion of Sorcery, and that will probably mean that I didn't see an extra Conjurer or two before picking my fight.


In 5344 hours of gameplay my current character has died maybe a half dozen times. Granted that is largely as a result of my gameplay style (you won't find me wading into a dungeon "guns a blazing") but it is also a reflection of learning the game mechanics and using them to my advantage.

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