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Ripped files


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Morning all just wanted your opinions of what should happen to people who rip off modders work, noticed one mod on steam where the person ripped a file from nexus and said it was his own. The modder on nexus has said he didn't give permission so surely its theft, or is that an old fashioned view of things. Seems to me we all lose in the end modders will not spend their time making mods to have them ripped off, they will just stop making mods. thanks for your time Edit the mod on steam has been taken down. Nope back up on steam

Edited by stoaty6666
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We ban mod thieves here.


Claiming someone elses work as your own is juvenile and indicates a lack of self confidence in your own ability as well as a disrespect of the actual creator. Those that claim to have created something when they are taking someone elses work believe that somehow it will make them more popular - until it backfires and actually makes them far less respected when they are found out.


From our terms of service that must be agreed to when you sign up.

All files uploaded must have been created by the uploader or used with permission from the original author of the content. If you cannot provide proof of consent when asked then your file will be removed and your account is likely to be banned.

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Dont believe there is any real way to enforce mod piracy BUT, Steam, Nexus etc should be open to banning users whom have been shown to "pirate" content.


So, notify hosting entity with persuasive proof and let them handle it.

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Thanks for your replies seems that the mod in question has been taken down for a second time, but when you look at the rest of the mods the person has uploaded to steam claiming work as their own it is not the only one. if a modder does not want to upload to steam its their choice not to and their right. Just a bit sad that even when you tell people its being ripped they still subscribe.

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I'm sure the moderators are on top of it. I saw a mod which was posted a few days ago which looked really sketchy. The admins had it pulled and the user banned within the hour. Just report through the usual channels and they'll handle it.

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Unfortunately we can not control Steam Workshop. Or people in general really....but when we find something like this..we handle it as BBen's post suggest. I do not have any clue how they handle things at Steam Workshop but I would continue to report it. Eventually they will get tired of it coming back.


That being said there are a great many mods there and I have no idea how large their staff may be...how over-worked they may be. Just because you see something that shouldn't be there doesn't necessarily mean that its because they don't care...perhaps its not been reported or they haven't seen it (you would be surprised how many mods have people yelling in the comments section, "This is a rip" but never report it to us.)


I can speak for myself that there are times that stolen content reports are overwhelming . We rely on the community to report these to us as it is impossible for us to monitor every file coming in on this site. I suspect its not different there. And if it is...if they aren't trying to keep ripped content off their Workshop...shame on them.

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My impression is that the Steam Workshop is less vigilant than the Nexus for issues like that. Some modders have stated that they aren't comfortable loading their mods onto SW because they believe that the rules, or enforcement of the rules, are/is too lax. I don't use SW, nor pay much attention to it, so I cannot speak from personal experience My observation is that the Nexus staff will investigate anything that looks suspicious, and is not reluctant to pound that ban hammer and take mods offline quickly. So mods are safe here, at least.

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The user comments are the most revolting. Many seem to be supporting this cretin and rationalizing that they want the mod...are entitled to said mod....so if up-loader stole from legit mod author on the Nexus....who cares? Just disgusting.


Just one charming example: " Who is a thief??? Both *** & and ******i ripped this hair from the sims so... and anyway: BIG DEAL!! lol "

Edited by misslexi
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