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Every item I drop immediately disappears?


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When I drop an item from my inventory, it always vanished completely. I can never find it on the ground again. It didn't used to do this and I haven't installed anything recently that would do this (except maybe the notoriously bug-laded Dragonborn, boo hiss). What's going on?

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  • 3 months later...

I'm having this exact issue. I have tons of mods, but nothing really recent that seems related. I read one post from last year suggesting Throwing Weapons: Death From Afar might be to blame, but I uninstalled it and still can't drop items without them vanishing completely. Any item, dropped any place. :(


Update: Yep- uninstalled the Throwing weapons mod, loaded a save, still couldn't drop anything. REinstalled the throwing things mod... dropping suddenly works fine. The author stopped supporting his earlier version, so I think I'll re-un-install, and try his new improved mod. Hopefully, it won't be a recurring issue!

Edited by FathomsDeep
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