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Morrowind-style Armours


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So, I've been looking at some of the content from Dragonborn lately, and I gotta say...I'm a little disappointed with the new Dunmeri styles. I'm glad to see the return of their native materials, but...I'm really not liking the new styles.


Can someone make Morrowind-style armours? I'm already aware of this mod: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/22793/ , but I still don't feel as nostalgic when using these armours as I would in a set of Armun-An Bonemold (my favourite medium from "back in the day").


I also use the Daedric Lord Armour, love it to death, don't need a replacer there.


PS - I don't have Dragonborn, I've been researching whether or not it's gonna be worth buying to me. Anyone who produces a Dragonborn-dependent mod based on this suggestion is gonna get an automatic thumbs-down from me (ooh-ooh, one player in a sea of millions disapproves! :P )


EDIT: Posted the wrong frakkin' link...getting to be a bad habit...corrected it.

Edited by AlduinWorldEater
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Posted the wrong link again.

And Just about every morrowind armor mod is going to use dragonborn assets if it wants to be done in a timely fashion while not looking like crap, deal with it.

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I have to agree with Lickmybic. There's no way anyone's going to make a Morrowind inspired mod which is independent of the Dragonborn DLC, seeing as how the base textures and meshes are accessible. They'd need to create their own textures and meshes from scratch just to avoid that connection.


Just be patient. Given time I'm sure we'll see such mods released.

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