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LOD ground textures not showing correct


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Ok I am making a new worldspace of an island, I am getting good LOD textures on trees, rocks, building and all that. But the distant ground textures show as the default brown when it is supposed to be snow or pine grass depending on where I am at. Question is are there hidden ground textures for LOD that needs to be converted to .tga and placed in the \Steam\steamapps\common\Source\TGAtextures\LOD directory so the ground textures show correctly?


In the LOD textures directory for my worldspace there is a Land folder with nothing in it as well.

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Oscape works well for ground, whether it's ocean or not - it doesn't care about that.


I've discussed oscape settings and use in this post, a full copy of all needed TGA textures can be found in this mod, and no, there are no "hidden textures" nor do you need to create a LOD folder below the tgatextures folder.


I've had no problems getting a working LOD with pretty textures using this method, even using my own custom land textures.


For completeness' sake, this forum post is the best guide I've found to generating object LOD using the CK.

Edited by acidzebra
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When you start Oscape, put a tick at Skyrim.esm, as well as your own esm/esp. Select your worldspace and extract the surface textures and features.

Once it generates the heightmap, change the dropdown box from Heightfield to Surface. If your textures are showing, go ahead and generate.

Edited by Tamb0
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@Acidzebra, I dont have an LOD folder inside the TGATextures, I didnt hit the spacebar hard enough and didnt catch it lol. Anyway that mod didnt have any new textures that are not mod related that i ddint already have extracted and that post is just repeating everything I already do. I am not having the same problem as that person was, my textures are there, none are black or purple, just the LOD textures for the ground is the default brown terrain texture in far LOD's. I open one up in Photoshop and it is that texture tiled. close LOD's i get a mix of the actual terrain colors and that brown as one fades in and the other fades out. It doesnt matter if I use the CK to generate or Oscape, i get the same either way.


@Tambo, I happen to know that and already do it. Surface is plain brown everytime.

Edited by jet4571
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I'm guessing that you're using an esp. If you are. create a copy of your mod and turn it into an esm.

Then start Oscape and and put a tick in Skyrim.esm and your own.esm. That should work.

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*edit, If you read that, sorry. I am a tad tired and irritated by this issue.


Update, the original worldspace was 22x22 cells, I just increased the dimension to 30x30 because I realized the northern point of the island was a tad close to the edge and wouldnt leave much room having colision boxes and the end of the painted terrain. Well just increasing the size fixed the bad LOD ground textures, but a new issue has surfaced. i now have black stripes on some of the cell borders showing in the LOD. Looks like one of the screenshots in the thread Acidzebra provided. Maybe make it 32x32 will clear up the edge issues by having a standard dimension.


*Edit, Found out what the lines in the LOD ground texture was from. The normal maps had them and those lines were actualy a normal maps shadow that they create to make a flat surface look like it is not. So... I managed to get the LOD done by flood fill the normal maps to a solid color, just a flat normal map and cant get Oscape to work correctly, still get the original brown LOD ground with it.


No idea why Oscape wont work correctly for me, still no idea on why the ground texture was the default brown. Maybe something bugged in my install even after validating the steam cache.

Edited by jet4571
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  • 2 months later...

When you start Oscape, put a tick at Skyrim.esm, as well as your own esm/esp. Select your worldspace and extract the surface textures and features.

Once it generates the heightmap, change the dropdown box from Heightfield to Surface. If your textures are showing, go ahead and generate.

I love you right now! That solved my brown lod terrain bug!

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