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Movable Air Battleship Possible


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Not a modder but asking more out of curiosity. Would it be technically possible within the engine to create a piece of mobile terrain or stack of parts that can travel from point a to point b by actually flying rather than just floating in static place like a few of the airship mods I've seen?


I know there's a command in the geck that moves objects via a floaty float but my question would be if its possible to navmesh npcs on top of that while it's moving and set it up to do so according to input from player during game? So basically a flying battleship with maybe a simple wasd control scheme or one from buttons?


I know it must sound like a noobish and overly ambitious question from somebody who doesn't get the engine but I mostly want to know if it's possible rather than if it's easy. Alternatively, there's precedent for flying vertibirds in the game that are coded as enemies.


Could you theoretically render out a giant metal contraption and encode it as an npc? Would it be possible to walk around it in that case? Set it to move in specific directions maybe from the follower 'move there' command? I ask because I also wanted to know about the destructibility of any flying entities and there's already a case of vertibirds dropping out of the sky.



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Even companions can't move too well when they're in an elevator (that moves actually). In fact, when you step into an elevator your companions will walk at you (and bump in you..).


Dialogues would break too (the dialogue camera exits frequently in an elevator too).


Locations, Cells can't move. Otherwise, they couldn't be loaded normally by the game engine.

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