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Your Method of Travel/Do You Fast Travel


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I don't fast travel often. I may miss golden opportunities of some great screenshots and I need wolf pelts. Yes wolf pelts. I have a lot of clothing/Armor/Bandolier mods and need pelts to craft a lot of them.


So I don't fast travel unless really necessary or I've been to a certain path a million times already.

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I would like to see a mod that alows you to fast travel but you run a very high chance of beeing interrupted by certain really difficult events on your way. For example:


  • your carriage is beeing raided by a big bunch of Bandits (hard Bandits) and you have to defeat them to continue the travel
  • a powerfull Dragon crosses your way and you have to defend the carriage, its driver and yourself + follower whilst none of them is allowed to die (or something like that)
  • a big pack of wolves attacks the carriage
  • with Frostfall: a haeavy thunder storm occurs, where you die withing 5 minutes without shelter
  • ... there are many possibilities


Such events would make fast traveling way more immersive and you would think twice before you hop onto a carriage.


But I have never seen such a mod. Have you?

There is a Mod that can lead to attack while your Fast Travel, though not by Carriage, only while on foot...the Mod allows you to set your own percentage on the chance of being 'waylaid' whilst Fast Traveling among many other encounter features...Sands of Time...:





wow mate, thank you! I was googling my ass off these days to find such a mod but no promising results turned up. totally gonna try this.

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  • 4 months later...

I combine travel. Ex. If I need to go to Markarth to do a TG Special Job, I'll take the wagon and spend a few septims. No way on the planet I'm using my horse to go where a carriage will take me - knowing full well I'm turning right around and coming straight back anyway. Let the horse munch on some carrots and talk to the other horses at the stable.


If I'm travelling off the beaten path, I'll take my horse.


If I'm going to High Hrothgar, Fort Dawnguard, or another place that is necessary to continue a quest, I'm fast travelling. The view is nice, but the trip gets old fast if you know what I mean.


Absolutely no way I'd never fast travel, because in reality even the hardcore people that tell you they don't probably sprint with their horse anyway.

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I fast travel because I have already been to every map marker in skyrim and explored near every hidden spot. Now traveling is more of an annoyance than fun. Created a mod to remove predators from roads because it got old knowing there was 3 wolves around the next corner, 2 frostbite spiders on the other side of that bridge, a bear over the next hill, sabre cat coming up soon etc etc. Stoping to kill those every 100 yards got old quick in my first playthrough now I dont deal with it. Even crossing the country side I would know where encounters were going to be.


Doing quests i fast travel everywhere. Not doing quests and just doing random stuff i walk. Since I didnt spend hours exploring everything and unlocking every map marker I often have to walk between the closest unlocked to the new one and thats enough walking during quests for me.

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I really try not to fast travel, but I really don't have that kind of patience. Especially when the dawnguard quests have me going back and forth between fort dawnguard and castle volkihar every other quest. Usually I use carriages to get to the city nearest my destination then walk from there.

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