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LvlPredatorScript.psc CTD, Can't stop it - help!


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Skytest is NOT the cause. I really wish people would quite bringing that up. The error happens on a pure stock game NO MODS. As I stated earlier there are specific instances of predator animals that are tied to an activator to disable their spawning during specific events. Skytest does not do that to any of its added spawns.


Your CTDs may have been caused by game system overload due to loading in the extra spawns from Skytest. Or at the very least removing those extra spawns rather than something else reduced your chances of game system overload.

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If it continuously crashes in the same spot, you're in luck. This is where you can go through your mod list and find what is the cause, easier on a new save but not impossible on an existing one.


The problem as I said on another post is that while no mod is responsible for the lvlpredatorscript, some mods when running along side it can cause a hiccup effect and refuse to play well together. There are thousands of mods, rest assure that it is unlikely to be armor, clothing or weapon mods, so it is up to you to go through and see what the conflict is. This won't forever stop the script from crashing, I can't promise that, but I do know that it will prevent it a lot of the time.

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I know. I made a similar post months ago. But the log spam is annoying.

Besides, this is the best way of proving whether this script was causing crashes or not.

Edited by steve40
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