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How do I.....?


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Do I need to have a subscription to be able to post? Or report a bug?

I think I'm half blind as I don't see any thing that would allow me to post a comment or report a bug.

What does tagging do?


Go to any NexusMods mod page and at the top of the mod description you will see About This Mod in a very large font. Look right above About This Mod and you will see a row that begins with Description (should have the "active tab" appearance) and to it's right will be Files, Images etc. The one that you want will say Bugs (if the mod author has enabled a Bugs tab). If there is no Bug tab then look for a Posts tab (mod authors can also turn off that tab). To switch to any of the other tabs just click the word (e.g. click Bugs to move to the Bugs tab etc).

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